20 thought provoking quotes on e-learning and education
[Editor's note: On June 18, 2014 Foradian conducted a Google Hangout session, involving some of the big names in education and social media. They discussed about the recent trends that are doing rounds in the world of education. The following quotes are picked up from the hangout session.]
Trends in education are ever changing and these varying trends have completely altered the face of education- something that is no more concentrated within the limits of a classroom. Every passing year marks the setting of a new trend in education, be it online courses or a changed evaluation method.
The best moments of the hangouts in the form of 20 powerful quotes are given below.

Equipping teachers with technology that will automate the boring work will enhance education and make it more powerful. Teachers can spend more quality time on what they are good at i.e teaching. – Unni
Agility to make use of the system by the teachers or instructor is vital to implement innovation or a new technology. – Josh
Government Administrators or authorized peoples are not ready to spread the classroom information across the world. In the US, every teacher has to follow certain rules and framework, and that is never entertaining to spread the information. – Bryan
Teachers are the ultimate people who use software. To make use of the software, we have to target teachers. But marketing them directly is not possible. Because they belongs to different layers in the administrative system. – Bryan
Students are co-users of classroom technology.So, students have to learn how to use the technology. Make them involved in all the activities in the classroom. – Bryan

Budget is the major issue in regards with training session in schools. Students lack actually what they need. – Viveka
Looking beyond the education is crucial. Corporate have huge influence on education.The influence of corporate in education getting increased day by day. So, getting connected with the influential people who promote can bring great things. – Viveka
The private education segment in India alone is expected to cross US$ 45 billion mark by 2015 from the present US$ 35 billion. – Unni
Accessing and adapting to technology and bringing those to students and learners is the major challenge. So, make them comfortable with the technology. – Viveka

Degree of fear and anxiety is too much in education. Older people are facing fear to use the new innovations in technology. – Bryan
The way of teaching is changing and updating everyday. The traditional and old paradigm of education in not demanding anything now. So, we have equip the classroom with new technology. It has it’s own advantage. – Josh
I am amazed with the technology that the schools have at present. The way of teaching is changing and updating day by day. So engaging younger teachers might be more effective. - Viveka
In corporation, executive decision is so easy, whereas in education, executive decision have many layers. Freedom is limited in education. – Viveka
Every country is competing for education knowledge. It has it’s economical benefits. But the government has some other needs other than economic that they want to drive through education. –Bryan
The Government role has to be clarified, whether it is centralized or decentralized. – Josh
The biggest mistake people do in social media is they use social media to sell the products. Social media is all about creating relationship, especially LinkedIn. Talking each other through social media will bring lot of things. So be a resource to others and trustworthy. – Viveka
Finding prospective customers through social media is tough task. In LinkedIn, we have specific search dynamic. By using this you can find out customers through school, company and teachers. Get introduced to them, join in a group and tag your network will help you to reach easily. Visibility makes a large impact. – Viveka
Major reason for education is economic, like job decisions. But it is important to realize that there are non-economic benefits also like self actualization and cultural national good. – Bryan
Adaptation to fear of failure is the best way to implement technology. Success will follow. – Josh
It is very important that if you want to reach out education arena, make the people to use your product free of cost and of course, provide them exemplary customer service. – Viveka
The bench of eminent personalities in the Hangout included:
Bryan Alexander – Futurist, researcher, speaker, writer, teacher and active enthusiast working to prove how technologies can change education, Bryan Alexander is also the author of ‘The New Digital Storytelling’.
Viveka Von Rosen- Author of “LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day”. Viveka known as “LinkedIn Expert”.Forbes selected her as 20 Most Influential Women in Social Media (2011, 2012, 2013).
Josh Fleming- Josh is Instructional Technologist, Instructional & Technology Support expert from Millersville University.
Unni Koroth- CEO, Foradian Technologies.
You can watch the Recorded Video of the Hangout below:
This blog post originally appeared on Foradian's blog.
About Foradian:
Foradian Technologies was founded in 2009 by Abdulla Hisham, Abdul Salam, Arun Raveendran, Arvind G S, Unni Koroth & Vishwajith and is headquartered in Bangalore. It is a multipurpose school and campus management system. Over the past years the product has established a strong presence in the global ed-tech market and has won several awards including the Edustars back in 2012. Fedena is used by more than 40,000+ schools and colleges in 100+ countries around the world.