How this teenager miraculously survived the Paris, Boston, and Brussels terror attacks
19-year-old Mason Wells has survived the Brussels terrorist attack. This is his THIRD MIRACULOUS ESCAPE from terror, after having narrowly escaped the Paris and Boston attacks. At Zaventem Airport, Brussels, Mason suffered burn injuries on his legs, hands and face. According to The Guardian, most of the damage is around his foot and ankle. One can only imagine the psychological ramifications of having seen death and destruction not once, not twice but thrice!

Bishop Scott Bond of the Latter Day Saints Church in Sandy, Utah, from where Mason hails, told The New York Daily News, “It’s incredible he’d be so close to more than one of these. I think any of us would be seriously shaken, but I think he’s someone who could handle this better than anybody. He’s the kind of young man to somehow turn this into a positive. He’s a terrific young man.”

On 15 April, 2013, Mason was accompanying his mother who was a participant at the Boston Marathon, where terror struck. Mason who was very close to the site, escaped unhurt. Fortunately, so did his mother. On the evening of 13 November, 2015, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris. Mason was blessed with safety, yet again, reports India Times.

Mason, a Mormon Missionary, is currently in a Belgian hospital and is expected to make full recovery. Chad Wells, father of Mason told The Huffington Post that, his son is a “strong kid” who was able to remain calm throughout the ordeal.
Think Change India wishes Mason a speedy recovery and prays that victims of such acts find strength to continue holding a strong and positive attitude.
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