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Effective techniques for mastering new skills

Effective techniques for mastering new skills

Thursday July 20, 2017 , 3 min Read

Learning new things is a way of life. Without self-improvement, life would come at a complete standstill. Self-improvement is also essential if you want to get ahead at work. Your superiors will consider promoting you only if they see remarkable growth in your performance. This growth can only come about when you effectively master new skills. Whether it is making presentations for clients or public speaking, there is a host of new skills out there for you to choose from. So pick the one that interests you and get started. Here's how you can effectively master new skills.

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Study related topics together

When you learn related topics simultaneously, you'll have a better understanding of your core subject. Let's say you want to learn how to develop a website. Instead of learning HTML, CSS, and backend one after the other, learn all three things together. When you do this, you'll be able to better understand how the three things tie with one another. Yes, mastering all three at one go might seem difficult in the beginning, but it is the best method to learn a complex new skill.

Take notes whenever you read something interesting

If you are looking to maser a new skill, you are bound to read articles that are written on that subject. For example, if you want to learn creative writing, you will automatically find yourself on pages that have articles that guide you through the different nuances of creative writing. When you come across this information, make sure to take handwritten notes which you can refer to when you're finding answers to particularly difficult problems.

Take things slow and easy

You might be tempted to cram your brain with all information simultaneously, but refrain from doing so. Your brain is like a sponge. If you try to overload it, the excess information will simply run off. Give your brain time to process the new information and make sense of it. If you're ever tempted to lock yourself in a room and pack your brain with too much information, remember the old adage – slow and steady wins the race.

Go beyond rote learning

Rote learning and memorisation will only take you so far. If you want to understand the subject of your skill in and out, you need to undertake research and ask questions. When you are curious about why things happen in a certain way, you walk away with new knowledge and new ideas that will help you master the skill easily.

Map your progress

Don't wait till the end of your learning process to find out whether or not you have picked your desired skill effectively. Instead, map your progress along the way to know if you've managed to successfully retain all the information you've learnt so far. Self-testing and revisiting previously learnt information prevents memory decay effectively.

Use the above mentioned tips to master a new skill effectively. If you remain committed and don't give up easily, you'll find yourself on the path to self-improvement sooner than you think.

Also read: 20 invaluable skills all working professionals should develop