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Most Indian smartphone users face poor internet connection

Most Indian smartphone users face poor internet connection

Wednesday August 02, 2017 , 1 min Read

Despite the massive growth in mobile data usage in the past eight months in India, 56 percent of smartphone users have no access to the internet at least once a day, a new report said on Monday.


According to a report compiled by True Balance mobile app, the data connectivity environment is still poor, leading to devices being exposed to an offline environment on large.

"We have found that across India, the connections are patchy and users often find gaps in network coverage depending on their location," said Alex Suh, General Director of Data Analysis, True Balance, in a statement.

"This is why despite the mobile data usage in the country increased significantly, there is still a prevalence of users found experiencing an offline state in a day," he added.

Mobile data usage in India has quadrupled in eight months as the competition grew among various telecom operators who offer unlimited data tariff plans.

Yet, 11 percent of users stay offline for more than 24 hours.

The report also revealed that users who use the mobile data online for 24-hours were just seven percent in July 2016 and now that number has increased to 44 percent as of April 2017.