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Netflix and thrill: Why the ACT-Netflix partnership is ‘Better Together’ for viewers

Netflix and thrill: Why the ACT-Netflix partnership is ‘Better Together’ for viewers

Thursday March 07, 2019 , 3 min Read

It’s really true - two is better than one, especially when it comes to brand partnerships. When brands collaborate, ideas are thrown around, inspiration is sparked, and there’s a lot more than can get done together. Not just that, history has proved that a shared passion for something can create wonders that go on to change the world.

The Wright Brothers gave us wings, Paul McCartney and John Lennon created the legendary Beatles to hold our hands, two Steves came together to give birth to one of the most successful computer companies in the world. “It's only fitting for luxury cars to be packed with upscale luggage,” thought BMW when they partnered with MontBlanc. “Why don’t we bring music for our employees?” asked Starbucks when they collaborated with Spotify. The list doesn’t end there.

ACT and Netflix say ‘I do’

When two premium brands come together, it's a culmination of two experiences coming together. A co-branded product is a fun way to marry two brands. The success of one brand associates with the success of the other, and they find value in both their customers. “Better Together” is a campaign that establishes the fact that two brands coming together translates to a more elevated, exclusive and premium experience for customers.

Better Together: experience incredible content with India’s largest fiber broadband

As more and more daily activities run online, high-speed internet is the need of the hour. Fiber internet is the fastest widely available internet technology which uses fiber-optic cables, capable of transmitting large amounts of information quickly.

Imagine viewing premium content with super-fast internet, and none of that irritating buffering at slow speeds. That’s something anyone would dream of in this era of bingeing on TV series. Now this dream is actually within reach with India's largest fiber broadband ACT, because Netflix and ACT have come together under the ‘Better Together’ partnership, and it doesn’t get any better than this. From speed to signal strength to latency, this is your key to viewing incredible content seamlessly and at the click of a button with HD and 4K streaming.

ACT recently changed its brand tagline from ‘Incredibly Fast’ to ‘Feel The Advantage’, implying that anyone who is associated with the brand will get an advantage. With consumer needs and usage behaviour continuously evolving, the brand took a differentiated approach towards offering innovative customer-centric solutions so that users can feel the advantage and accomplish more.

The partnership with Netflix means, as users, you will now get access to screenings, premiers, behind the scene footage, and other exclusive offerings if you subscribe to Netflix via ACT.  In other words, you will now be able to experience amazing content on a leading internet platform.

More brands are now looking to partner with other brands who they feel can add value to their service offerings, thus creating a win-win situation for both the brands and their users. With Netflix and ACT coming together, viewers are in for a surprise treat. Stay tuned for more details!