7 lessons that every entrepreneur should learn from Steve Jobs
No book on entrepreneurship can ever be as effective as on-ground learning. On Steve Jobs' 66th birth anniversary, here are 7 lessons that every founder should glean from his journey.
Entrepreneurship isn’t a mere fashion statement; it’s a way of life. However, most people don’t have the perseverance or fire in the belly it demands, and usually give up.
The primary goal of entrepreneurship is to create growth and wealth by offering high value-added activities to the present economy. This is possible when new and innovative ideas are implemented and jobs are created.
As an entrepreneur, you are responsible for every minute thing. You need to take an idea to a service or product level, and keep working on it every day to achieve the right product-market fit, scale it, and then make it more attractive for others to invest into it.
It’s an uphill journey and one emerges a different person. No book can teach us about this transformation; only learning on the ground can.
Inspiration abounds in the startup ecosystem but nowhere does it shine as bright as in the case of the legendary Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs wasn’t an engineer or a designer. But, he was one of the greatest users of technology of all time, and that made all the difference. The reason Jobs became a legend was due to his special vision; he wanted to change the world – and he sure did!
He looked at products from the customer’s point of view - how and why would they use it? The visionary always focused on the benefits Apple products could provide, and how simple and easy they were to use. He ended up offering products that were not even needed, but eventually became a necessity for millions.
Steve Jobs opened the flood gates for generations to come. I have been following him since from my first failed startup days to my exploratory trips and while designing and innovating products.
I made mistakes, I repeated them, and I failed. I thought of giving up, but in those testing times Steve Jobs’ life-changing ideologies kept me going.
On Steve Jobs' 66th birth anniversary, here are a few lessons from Steve Jobs that budding entrepreneurs can take tips from in their entrepreneurial journey.
1. Travel the world and do new things
Travel opens new windows and avenues. We often see a 30-year-old staying with parents, and traveling for the first time on honeymoon. One must travel before teenage ends. Those mistakes, meeting strangers, and keeping an open mind in a new country teaches us about people, culture, and history.
That whole experience develops a different streak in our cerebrum. Steve himself travelled to India and stayed quietly in an ashram. It’s important to remember his lesson that when we understand people, we start understanding consumerism automatically.
2. Learn like a child
Learning is a way of life and never leaves us. Our brain is reshaping with every single thought we have. Children are driven forward by their unbridled curiosity. Just imagine how differently children approach the learning process. To them, it’s just a part of the discovery mode they use to face the world that surrounds them.
Keep exploring to keep your brain young and live an exceptional life full of extraordinary lessons. If you are not learning, you’re shrinking.
3. Don’t take no for an answer
Steve Jobs was famous for being extremely bold and clear on what he wanted. He didn’t shy away from repeating the same question over and over until he got a solution or an answer. People used to avoid direct confrontations with him because they knew that he was so logical and convincing that they would be forced to agree on terms they might not even like.
4. Take a calculated risk
Every idea is a good idea unless it’s implemented. There is a lot at stake when innovation happens - people, investment, time, energy, effort, market dynamics, competition, viability etc. All this is risk and there is no surety if that one golden idea will work or not.
But, if we don’t take that risk, we won’t be sure if we are moving in right direction or not. Always take calculated risks on practical grounds.
5. Never care about reality
Steve didn't care much about reality. He forced engineers working with him to create products that were impossible to produce before Apple got there. Whether it was the slim Macbook or highly sophisticated iPhone, his vision and denial of reality inspired them.
6. Innovate constantly
Any mention of Steve Jobs brings up innovation. People are often scared that discussing their thoughts will lead to people stealing their ideas. The key to avoid this problem is innovation.
People may copy you, but they won’t be able to innovate at your speed if you continue to do that that. And, it’s a validation that you are doing something right if someone is copying you.
7. It is never too early to get started
We have had stories where people started at 60+. There is nothing called the right time; it’s about hitting the right chord. Starting small helps, so start with what you have and where you are. Invest in your idea and product with all your conviction.
It all drills down to the first step. If you have an idea, action it. If you don’t start, it will die out. Have belief in your idea and begin.
Edited by Teja Lele
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)