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Stand out on LinkedIn: Ultimate guide to personal branding 2024

Unlock success with these 10 powerful tips to elevate your personal brand on LinkedIn and stay ahead in 2024! Learn proven strategies for maximum impact.

Stand out on LinkedIn: Ultimate guide to personal branding 2024

Tuesday December 05, 2023 , 5 min Read

Personal branding is more than just talking about yourself. It's like creating a complete professional identity that matches your skills, values, and career goals. A strong personal brand can help you get customers and partners while showing you're a leader in your field.

If you've been in business, you know that having a good image and loyal followers can help your sales. And for professionals in any job, there's no better place for personal branding than LinkedIn!

LinkedIn is the top platform for professionals to build their brand. With a huge user base of 875 million and 310 million active users each month in 2023, many of whom are business professionals, it's a great place for branding. Your potential customers and business partners are on LinkedIn, but it can be tough to stand out in such a crowded space.

LinkedIn offers you the tools to do well on the platform. To stand out and build your brand, use LinkedIn's built-in features. If you want to learn how you're in the right place!

This article will show you 10 cool features to help you master personal branding on LinkedIn in 2024 and beyond.

1. LinkedIn stories and stories ads

LinkedIn now has Stories and Stories Ads, transforming it from a digital resume platform. Similar to Instagram or Snapchat, you can share Stories. Use this feature to show a glimpse of your workday or offer brief career advice.

linkedln stories and stories ads

The benefit of Stories

Stories Ads, in particular, offer a fun and engaging method to not only boost your visibility but also attract a wider audience. This transforms your personal brand into a more vibrant and accessible entity on the platform.

2. Live videos

Live videos can transform your personal brand on LinkedIn. Just think about the opportunities: hosting webinars, doing live Q&A sessions, or giving a virtual tour of your workspace.

The benefit of live videos

It allows you to establish a more immediate and authentic connection with your audience. Live videos provide an interactive platform where you can demonstrate your expertise, share valuable insights, and address queries in real time.

3. LinkedIn polls

Interested in knowing what your network thinks about a trending industry topic? Or perhaps you're seeking feedback on a project? LinkedIn Polls are the perfect solution.

The benefit of LinkedIn polls

LinkedIn Polls benefit users by fostering engagement, gathering quick feedback on industry topics or projects, enhancing audience connections, and adding variety to their content strategy.

4. Product pages

Attention, B2B product sellers! Pay close attention to LinkedIn Product Pages. Think of them as having your website right on LinkedIn.

product pages

The benefit of product pages

This feature allows B2B sellers to offer a dedicated space to showcase products, enhancing visibility, and credibility, and providing a streamlined pathway for potential clients. This adds a professional touch to the LinkedIn presence, making products more appealing in the B2B landscape.

5. Analytics for content creators

For those who are passionate about data, LinkedIn's analytics is a goldmine of insights. It allows you to monitor engagement metrics and grasp the demographics of your audience.

analytics for content creators

Benefit of analytics

It allows for strategic decision-making, a better understanding of the audience, and agile content adjustments, ultimately enhancing the user's personal brand on the platform.

6. Creator mode

Turning on Creator Mode is like putting a spotlight on your content creation endeavours. It alters your profile layout to showcase your posts, encouraging more people to follow you instead of just connecting. It's a subtle yet impactful method to boost your personal brand.

creator mode

7. Cover story

Ever heard the saying, "First impressions are lasting"? With the Cover Story feature, you can include a brief video introduction on your profile. It's like your elevator pitch but in video format. A well-crafted cover story is an excellent way to create a memorable first impression.

The benefit of cover story

The Cover Story feature on LinkedIn offers users the benefits of making memorable first impressions, establishing a personal connection through video, showcasing personality and professionalism, and increasing engagement with a dynamic introduction.

8. Pronouns and name pronunciation

In today's world, inclusivity isn't just a pleasant addition; it's essential. Incorporating your pronouns and a guide on name pronunciation might seem like minor actions, but they significantly contribute to ensuring everyone feels acknowledged and valued. It's a move toward constructing a more inclusive personal brand that connects with a diverse audience.

pronouns and name prononciation

The benefit of including pronouns and name pronunciation

Incorporating pronouns and providing a name pronunciation guide in your personal brand benefits users by fostering inclusivity, demonstrating acknowledgement and respect for diverse identities, adding professionalism, deepening connections with a broader audience, and aligning with contemporary values.

9. Skills assessments

LinkedIn Skills Assessments act as external validation for your skills, whether in Python programming or SEO. Passing these assessments not only enhances credibility but also communicates to your network and potential employers that you possess the skills you profess.

The benefit of skills assessments

LinkedIn Skills Assessments boost credibility, build trust with verified skills, offer a competitive edge in the job market, efficiently showcase expertise, and reinforce an authentic personal brand for users.

10. LinkedIn newsletter

Launching a LinkedIn Newsletter extends beyond sharing lengthy content—it's a means of cultivating a community. This feature provides a platform to explore topics you're passionate about and connect with your audience on a more personal level. With time, it positions you as a thought leader, greatly enhancing your personal brand on LinkedIn.

The benefit of Linkedin newsletter

LinkedIn Newsletters foster community, deepen engagement, establish thought leadership, create personalised connections, and enhance personal branding, making your profile a go-to resource for industry insights and building a positive professional reputation.