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The Difference Between Ordinary And Extraordinary Is That Little Extra

In a world where doing just enough is often the norm, choosing to give a little extra can set you apart. It's a choice to be extraordinary, to live a life filled with achievements, growth, and satisfaction!

The Difference Between Ordinary And Extraordinary Is That Little Extra

Wednesday April 10, 2024 , 3 min Read

Have you ever wondered what makes something ordinary different from extraordinary? The answer may be simpler than you think, and it goes back to that little bit extra, that extra flavor you take that goes beyond just doing what is required of you. This is more than a feel-good quote; it’s a truth that can dramatically change how you approach life, hard work, and everything in between. Learn more about what makes ordinary extraordinary down below.

Doing More Than What's Needed

If you’re in college or working one day and following the routine to every letter by doing what you do. That’s great, right? Absolutely; however it's what you do when you go beyond these expectations that turns heads. It could be as simple as double-checking your work for mistakes or helping a colleague without being asked. That's the “little extra.”

Extra Mile

The Power of a Little Extra Effort

It's amazing what a difference a bit of extra effort can make. For example, a baker who wakes up early to make sure his bread is fresher than anyone else's. Or a teacher who spends a little extra time making lessons more interesting. This extra effort doesn't just lead to better results; it makes people feel valued and important.

Small Steps, Big Impact

The beauty of the little extra is that it doesn't have to be a grand gesture. Small, consistent efforts can lead to huge improvements over time. It's like watering a plant. You don't see the growth happen right away, but over time, with consistent care, it blossoms.

How to Add That Little Extra

  1. Pay Attention to Details: Sometimes, it's the little things that count the most. Paying attention to details can make your work stand out.
  2. Go the Extra Mile: Whether it's staying a few minutes late to finish up or offering help when it's not expected, going the extra mile can make a big difference.
  3. Keep Learning: Expanding your skills and knowledge is a powerful way to add value to everything you do.
  4. Show Enthusiasm: Being enthusiastic and passionate about what you do can inspire others and improve the quality of your work.
  5. Listen and Adapt: Listening to feedback and being willing to adapt can turn good work into great work.

The Reward of Being Extraordinary

The reward for adding that little extra isn't just about recognition or success; it's about knowing you've done your best and made a difference. It's the satisfaction of seeing your efforts pay off and the joy of surpassing your own expectations.

It's Your Turn

Now that you know the secret that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary, it's your turn to apply it. Look for opportunities to add that little extra in everything you do. It might require a bit more time, effort, and creativity, but the results – and the way it makes you feel – are worth it.

In a world where doing just enough is often the norm, choosing to give a little extra can set you apart. It's a choice to be extraordinary, to live a life filled with achievements, growth, and satisfaction. So, what little extra will you add today?

Edited by Roshni Manghnani