Cybernetyx is a pioneer and global leader in intelligent vision-based interactive and collaboration technology products and solutions. It is the highest-selling interactive vision technology in the world today reaching over 15M users.

Jun | Company Incorporation
Cybernetyx is incorporated in 2009 and 2010 respectively in India and Germany, with the technology commercialized as EyeRIS(R) product series as the world's first surface-independent interactive display product.

Jan | Strategic Partnership
Cybernetyx inks a deal with NEC India for a joint bundling of the product with NEC projectors.

Jan | Strategic Partnership
NEC Display Corporation of Japan, a Fortune 100 company selects EyeRIS as the OEM interactive technology for their global range of projectors and enters into a multimillion-dollar technology licensing agreement with Cybernetyx

Jan | Key Customer Milestone
Cybernetyx EyeRIS is awarded the prestigious GyanKunj project by Govt. of the state of Gujarat in India for supply for 1000 and 3100 classrooms respectively.

Jan | Key Customer Milestone
Cybernetyx wins a contract to supply 5051 units of EyeRIS Smart Classrooms to Govt. of Rajasthan for the first pilot project of an ongoing Operation Digitalboard by the Govt. of India.
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