1. Set yourself a goal
Setting yourself goals and challenges, whether at work or outside, such as learning a new language or training for a race, can help you switch off from the high pressures of daily life .
2. Meet friends and laugh
Make a habit of seeing friends and loved ones at least once a week. If your schedule makes this impossible.
3. Enjoy some me time
The need for 'me time' can often be overlooked - but spending time on ourselves can have an incredibly positive impact on our day-to-day life - whether it be just 10 minutes.
4. Quit smoking/binge drinking
Turning to alcohol or cigarettes may be an obvious choice - but in the long term, it'll only result in you feeling worse.
5. Be positive
Life isn't perfect - and that's just that.
6. Keep your sugar levels steady
Soybeans, dark chocolate, bananas and avocado are all good sources of magnesium, which helps with efficient energy production whilst also calming the nervous system on-the-go.
7. Sleep
Getting enough shut-eye is imperative to our health - it helps to restore the mind-body system and enough restful sleep can help strengthen our immune system.