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5 Top advantages of Native Mobile App Development

5 Top advantages of Native Mobile App Development

Thursday May 23, 2019 , 5 min Read

For most companies, the creation of mobile application has become the top priority. There are various options for development approach among which they have to select one. Although this choice is becoming increasingly tough as the lines between different options are getting blurred.  

This article is an attempt to analyse the Native Mobile App Development approach and finding out the various benefits of choosing this development approach. Let’s move step by step.

What is the meaning of Native Mobile App Development?

When an app is developed for a particular mobile operating system, it is known as native mobile app development. There are dedicated app stores where users can access these applications. Some of these are the App Store, Google Play, etc.

Programming languages like Kotlin or Java are used by Android app developers. Similarly, to create apps for the iOS platform programming languages like Swift or Objective-C are used.

There are separate Development tools, SDK and interface elements that are provided by Apple and Google to mobile app developers. The native app development offers various other types of benefits in comparison to other types of apps like web and hybrid apps.

It has become a necessity for companies to possess a mobile software. This has made it vital for companies to be well-aware about the advantages and drawbacks of selecting a particular app development approach.

Here are the top advantages of native mobile app development:

1. Native apps offer optimum performance:

An app for a specific platform is optimised and created with native mobile app development. As an outcome, the application provides an proficient  and high level of operational efficiency.

The very fact that they are developed for a specific platform makes them highly fast as well as responsive. Moreover, after using core APIs and programming languages of platforms, native apps are compiled. Therefore, we can conclude that these platform-specific apps are more efficient.

The device’s processing speed is utilised to its maximum potential by the software as these apps are stored in the device. The load times of the native mobile app is quick as the visual and content elements are already stored in the device when the user navigate their apps.

2. Native Apps are safer

Native app

Do you know web apps are depended on technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript as well as on different browsers? Overcoming the drawback, native apps are introduced to the people. These apps are a brilliant way to make sure that the users are getting high-end data protection.

3. Native apps are more intuitive and interactive

When it comes to user output and input, native mobile apps run with more smoothness. These apps feel as if they an integrated part of the device because they inherit the device’s OS interfaces.

They provide superior user experience and this is the top-most advantage of native mobile apps. The android app development is done mainly for an operating system. The user experience gets enhanced and aligned ultimately with a specific operating system as these apps remain stick to the guidelines.  

For every platform, these apps have a specific UI standard and as an outcome to it, the native apps are extremely natural. This liberates the users to grasp the concept of the app quickly. For instance, they learn to delete an element quickly.

When specific guidelines are followed sincerely, it removes the learning curve as well as allows the user interaction with applications using gestures and actions with which they are well-versed already.

4. Native apps provide access to complete feature set of devices

The complete benefits of the features of operating systems and software are taken by these native apps which are developed for their specific platform. To get a bit faster in the process of execution, such apps get direct access to the hardware of the device such as a camera, microphone, GPS, etc.

Such over the benefits at the end results in amazing user experience. Another huge advantage of using iOS app development is - push notifications.

5. Native app development faces lesser bugs

To maintain two application in two separate code bases is quite easier than maintaining two separate applications in one code base. There are very fewer dependencies of bugs to happen during native app development.

This is because you are depending on tools like Xamarin and Cordova, which are cross-platform tools. The development often slows down as the hardware is accessed through a bridge by hybrid applications. This can result in frustrating and irritating user experience.  

This problem rises and reaches its peak when a new version of iOS and Android are launched. To build their applications with all the latest features, iOS app developers get access to latest software development kits (SDK).

After updating the operating system users of these applications get access to the latest platform features because of the above-explained lead time.  

Wrapping up:

We agree that the cost of Android and iOS app development is high but this is the case only during the initial stage. Here, you will save a lot of money and time in the long run if you do it rightly in the first go.

These apps allow you to offer a greater personalised experience by offering better performance, great user experience and leveraging the features of the device and this will brilliantly reward in the long term.

The combination of these advantages of the native app will result in attaining higher conversion rates. With this, customer loyalty will get boosted ultimately. No matter which approach you are choosing, make sure the end result will provide a quick, responsive and reliable app.

With the increasing demands of users from mobile experiences, it has become essentially important to match up with their dynamic and growing demands.