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6 tips on how to write a digital marketing resume: essentials from basics to advanced!

You will learn the basics of the do’s and don’ts of Digital Marketing resume Writing

6 tips on how to write a digital marketing resume: essentials from basics to advanced!

Thursday March 08, 2018 , 4 min Read

Are you Looking for a job in the digital marketing world? Well, along with your qualifications, knowledge, and certificates, what equally matters, is the way you write your digital marketing resume. A good resume will draw the attention of the employer or recruiter and you will have a higher chance of getting the job, over your fellow applicants.


When you take a professional course at a digital marketing institute, you will be able to learn the basics of the do’s and don’ts of Digital Marketing resume writing and how to write digital marketing resume. But of course, even if you are trying to make one all by yourself, you can follow these tips and rules and you can rest assured that your resume will stand out from the crowd.

Tips to write a digital marketing resume:

Before you start writing your resume for a digital marketing job, you need to understand the basics. You are writing the resumes for recruiters, who come across hundreds of resumes every day. They can be bored and annoyed to find uninteresting resumes. So, the key to a good resume is to make it interesting, attractive and also crisp.


Formatting is probably the most important, first and basic thing that you should be careful about. As a digital marketer, your formatting skills for your resume will tell a lot about your creativity and skills. The random and scattered format is a big no. think how you want to present your abilities, talents, and achievements and then format the resume accordingly. It should have a flow of thoughts. But of course, do not overdo the format. If your formatting is too far from the usual norms, it might make the resume hard to read.


Reports tell that recruiters spend only about 6 minutes to read a resume. So, there is no meaning of writing lengthy resumes. If possible, keep it to one single page. If you have too much of experience to share, do not exceed two pages under any condition. If the recruiters are interested, they will look into your LinkedIn profile for detailed information. So, instead of making the resume lengthy, make the LinkedIn profile strong.

Employment dates and span:

When you are looking for a job, keep in mind that the recruiters are investing a lot of their time in searching for a good candidate for their employment. So, it is quite obvious that they would want someone, who would stick to their company for a reasonable amount of time. So, how long you have been associated with your previous company is very important to them.

In case you have taken a gap, it would clearly reflect on your resume. Then, you should give a rational answer about why you took the gap – such as, “Took gap for personal reasons”, “Took a break for the family.” Do not leave the gap unanswered.

Where you studied or what you studied?

One of the most difficult questions that students of a digital marketing institute have in mind while writing their resume is whether they should add the school or college that they graduated from or it is not required! Well, the answer lies in the type of job you are looking for. If your job is more related to what you have studied, it is better to focus and emphasize on that. However, if you have managed to graduate from a reputed or recognized institute, you should not miss a chance to let your recruiters know about that.

The key is, if you have a poor score or percentage in graduation, it is better to omit it completely. If you have had a reputed job previously, it is better to mention the job at first and then the college you graduated from. If you had a good score in graduation even from a community college, you should mention that. So, the point is, highlight your achievements and hide your failures.


Recruiters always look for the location you are going to work from. Mention it clearly, so that the recruiters know that you do not need relocation. If you do not mention that, the recruiters will keep wondering why you haven’t mentioned it.

Bullet Points:

The last, but probably the most important thing to keep in mind while writing your resume is to make everything in bullet points. Paragraphs are a big no for resumes. Bullets make the resume to the point and easy to read.

When you study in a digital marketing institute in India, you will be guided by these things. The good courses always assist you with your recruitment procedures.