Why Google is a new Killer?
This article is all about the new Google SEO rules'2016 ending keyword based search rankings
Hold on for a minute, if you are finding some controversial statement in it. No, we aren’t talking about the killing of humans nor we are interested to publish ‘Google’ as the new animal harasser. This article is all about the new rules adopted by Google that have changed the restrictive thinking of many SEO experts. (In fact, the Google has indirectly punished all the SEO’s who were making it big with an overdose of their keywords usage)
Going with the recent number, there are more than 3.6 billion frequent users who access Google every day (which comes to approximately 3X times Indian population & that’s pretty huge). Due to the high amount of frequency, the ranking of quality websites in a specific keyword is sometimes too difficult, that you can hardly see any results about the real conversion. This usually happens when your imposter & naïve SEO, put too many keywords to rank their website in Google & claims themselves, as one of the best SEO Expert in the industry.
Thanks to Google, these things will be regarded as a thing of the past. As the Google Search engine game have replaced with new rules, which will no longer rate your page on the basis of keyword rankings. This has directly signalled you, to be cautious in hiring the typical SEO peeps who have a limited & inadequate experience about the content or digital marketing. Let’s have a look, What’s Google is counting these days.
- Use Off page SEO: Going by the fact, Google changes their SEO algorithms almost 300 times a year. Hence, it’s difficult to constantly rank your website on the first page of search rankings. While on the other hand, most of the people thinks, SEO is a one-time process & results are at one go; but the fact it is an ongoing mechanism. In order to maintain your website in search ranking, the company needs to focus on off-page SEO activities like article writing, blogging, social media, link building, etc. These activities will surely help you to earn a better visibility chances.
- Post interesting & original contents: Even though the contents, which are not relevant to business. Google will recognise the quality of contents, rather than channelising their efforts on industry relevance. It is generally believed that the web page, that has 600 – 750 words ranks in Google SERP. However, Google is smart enough which typically focuses and gives a top priority to the fresh & engaging concepts.
- Stop relying on keyword based SEO: A biggest Myth disseminated across the digital marketing industry, SEO is all about keywords. If we look with the current trend the keyword word analysis has in fact lost its trend way back in 2013. It is now being replaced by the content marketing. To measure a successful SEO campaign, you as the client should focus on conversion, rather than restrict your conversation with search rankings.
- Utilize the strength of Social Media Marketing (SMM): An astonishingly booming industry for small business & product marketing that has made wonders, who are looking for instant success. Social Media Marketing (SMM) not only helps you to achieve a paramount path of conversion ratio, but also act as the ultimate indicator for your off page SEO Activities. Don’t get surprised, if your web page name doesn’t appear on top of search rankings. Even your social media page can appear first, which might suggest that your social media page is frequently viewed than the website.
- Time to fire your vernacular SEO: Sorry, I am sounding much more harsh & pretty arrogant here. But in a fact, it’s a perfect time to fire your SEO guys who are ridiculously weak in English language. The reason being is the ‘Google’ mostly focus on English as a primary language. However, the trend of local language is catching up but still nothing beats the Western imprints. At last, Social media concept is itself a western influence on the masses.
- Use fresh images & videos: We are quite aware that local SEO is gaining a solid reputation. Moreover, to remain in the top of the rankings always try to utilise an image or video that is originally designed from your end. This not only help you to have better optimisation & visibility, but in turn, it might increase your brand power in the online world.
With the recent amendments done by Google, which has seriously challenged the SEO’s technical & proactive skills. However, these new updates are still not being circulated massively, but we feel it’s a time to pull up the sock who are constantly reluctant to adopt the new ideas.
About Dhruv Upadhyay:
Dhruv Upadhyay is a professional Digital marketer at Tagwings.com. Over the years, he has been helping small businesses and startups to gain a strong foothold in the industry. In TagWings, he looks after digital marketing & budgeting roles of them & their group companies.