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6 Tips on Content Marketing to Boost your eCommerce Sales

Here are some ways by which you can increase your sales of e-commerce business.

6 Tips on Content Marketing to Boost your eCommerce Sales

Thursday June 06, 2019 , 7 min Read

Content Marketing has been the number one, fundamental in SEO practices. Truth be told - content is the thing that made the web a significant innovations in modern day. 

Prior to the other advent of digital marketing, content was the main thing that drove traffic onto sites.

Ever since the boom in digital marketing – content is still on the top used by the online marketers in order to drive driving traffic on a website and convert leads into deals. Instead of declining in its capacity - content has now turned out to be most successful digital marketing strategies in today’s world. This is the reason why so many e-commerce businesses are hiring top notch content writing company in India for maximum exposure and online visibility.

Why Market Content for eCommerce Stores?

A good content you make live forever on the web. Engaging and unique content will keep on driving traffic, leads and deals for quite a long time! It will continue to doing its rounds on Social Media Networking sites and create more backlinks from reputable websites.

When you compose content, you are starting to make a chain response. The all the more captivating and enlightening the content is – more will be the reaction. This is one of the numerous reasons that Content Marketing for eCommerce Stores is indispensable. When you utilize Content Marketing appropriately for your website, your business will simply keep on growing.

Here you will find Content Marketing Strategies that will boost traffic to your eCommerce Store-

1. Writing Bold and Catchy Headlines

Start writing your copy with basic, ie compose a interesting headline. When people read the heading of the content on the search engine result page, it should have an epic impact. It is the best way to attract the attention of potential customers and web surfers.

2. Compose Using Powerful Words

Power words will be words, which will arouse emotions of the readers. Words, for example, "killer, disastrous, hazardous or potentially "amazing, surprising" cause a response in individuals. You must have experienced this also while reading a good copy.

Nonetheless, be careful with utilizing too many power words, as it can show up as ingenuine. You need to find a balance between power words and other words - where the effect will be felt the most. Everybody appreciates a little puzzle; a little interest... in this way, don't release all your information in your heading or first few paragraphs. Incite the interest of the readers by exploiting the division between clients' issues and the solutions that you can give.

3. Obtain Information

Subscribe to the websites like Copy Blogger, Social Media Examiner and Content Marketing Institute. Pay heed to headings, which are driving the most offers and Tweets. Conduct your own experiments about the topics that is driving the most traffic. According create copy for your website.

4. Make Relevant Content

Successful, useful, innovative, creative - these are for the most part common words when it comes to content curation. Individuals love to associate and engage with content, as long as it solves their problems or provide useful solutions. In the event that you realize what appeals to your target audience, you will see that your content become more popular than ever before. Utilize this rule to make, authentic and productive content for your website.

5. Viral Content

How would you know whether your content is worthy of being viral? if your content has relevant data and true facts, it will spread all alone in no time. Make sure to provide content that connects you with your target audience.  It is safe to say that you are offering good deals to the customers?

Creating viral content is of absolute significance, as it will force your clients to share your content. For eCommerce stores, it's more difficult, you have to ensure that your blog page is a standout amongst the best in your line of business or potentially industry.

6. Visual content

According to stats, Tweets that contain images have 89% more favourites and 150% more Re-tweets in comparison to Tweets that do not contain any pictures. So make sure to include images in your copy.

7. Guest blogging

As an eCommerce business, you may confront troubles in getting inbound links, as other site are hesitant to link to other websites. An incredible method to get around this is to make successful content, and submit it to blogging sites in your industry. In case, your article gets acknowledged, you easily can promote your brand’s image, enhance traffic on your site, help your site SEO, and improve conversions.

The way to successful blogging is guaranteeing that you are continually writing for the website’s readers, rather than being too promotional. Longer posts for the most part observe more success in such manner, as they contain more detail, and are enlightening for target audiences.

Explain with examples in your content, which your audience would then be able to associate with and take motivation from. Give your audience significant data, and utilize visual components like pictures, recordings, charts, and so forth to create maximum engagement.

8. User generated content

It is another significant piece of the content procedure baffle for eCommerce organizations. UGC is content made by your potential clients, explicitly for your business and its products or services. User generated content incorporates video cuts, testimonials, reviews, and so forth.

In the event that shoppers post content on your website, it looks persuading, giving advantage to your other potential purchasers. As per statistics, 85% of customers discover UGC more compelling than brand-made content.

For UGC, you can urge your clients to share their criticism and experience via social media networking sites. You can request that they utilize a specific hashtag and mention your business name for creating awareness. Additionally, by giving some sort of acknowledgment for your clients, you can spur them to make content for your eCommerce business.

9. Storytelling

It is a standout amongst the best ways by which eCommerce organizations can promote their business in front of target audience, and furthermore produce traffic and social offers.

Through storytelling, you can make your brand name and increase loyalty of your customers. Before you begin, you ought to settle on what sort of stories you need to share. This methodology ought to be founded on:

·        Your intended audience

·        Qualities and convictions of your readers

·        Your items and services  

·        How your contributions can support them

·        The brand message

Add an emotional aspect to your accounts, and urge your clients to share their genuine experience. You can likewise give insight into the starting point and mission of your business, or even join a reason you have confidence in through narrating.

Final thoughts

You need to go an extra mile to ensure that your copy is engaging and educational, helping to establish authority, and drive traffic on an ongoing basis.

However, there isn’t a these only eCommerce content marketing strategy. You also have to understand your audience and create content strategy based on that knowledge. The above tips can help you in enhancing your content strategy and building trust with your readers. For more information, you can contact the top content writing company in India.