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MBA Reality Check: Make the School You Want, Want You

5 Attractive Qualities International Schools Look for in Students Going Abroad

Wednesday August 16, 2017 , 4 min Read

Why would a top rated international school choose you? Find out what kind of students are picked by the admissions officers. Make the school you want, want you.

It’s a courtship dance. You focus on putting your best foot forward, while the admissions officer evaluates you with measured curiosity. You don’t want to throw away a perfectly good opportunity to study in a coveted international school, just because you couldn’t present your case impressively enough. At the same time, schools also want to enroll deserving candidates who will contribute to the enrichment of the school environment.

If you scan through the college website, you will find many hints that tell you what they want in their candidates. Here is our list of top 5 tips to help you stand out from the crowd:

1. Are You a Run-of-the-Mill Candidate?

Look around you. There are at least a hundred other candidates elbowing their way through the dense forest of aspirants. Like you, they are capable, and enthusiastic. What makes you a cut above the rest? For an admissions officer, you are just another candidate, unless you showcase your unique self. That doesn’t mean you should have scaled the Mt. Everest sometime in our life. If you have, good for you. If you haven’t, look for your unique qualities. Maybe you can talk about the time you went ballroom dancing with your mom at the

Royal Opera House in London. Or perhaps the time when you saved a sparrow from being hunted by a falcon. Make sure your application distinguishes you from your peer group.

2. Are You a Socially Responsible and Aware Citizen?

Admissions officers like candidates who are socially aware. Whether you participated in a green revolution campaign or championed for Save the Dolphins charity, let these qualities come to the fore. Your consistent and growing engagement with society showcases you as a grounded individual with realistic understanding of the world we live in. Also, the fact that you believe in giving back reflects your value system, which matches with the school’s core values too.

3. Do You Do What You Love and Love What You Do?

Nobody wants a whiner on board. If you are going to an interview to lament about the failed opportunities, the lack of facilities, your destiny, and other such, steer clear from the interview. Admissions department are not interested in students who have a negative aura. They would be happier to admit a positive, and happy candidate. If you don’t already love what you do, what’s the likelihood that you will be happy with your admission?

4. Are You Capable of Leading Teams?

Leadership experience is the fundamental cornerstone of a strong business school application. To build leadership experience, start taking more initiative and responsibility in your current professional role, and provide critical support to your teammates when they are project leads. Work towards employee awards. Make sure to keep track of all appreciation emails and commendations from clients, team members and senior management. These can add immense value to your application.

5. Have You Learnt Everything You Can About the School of Your Choice?

Schools love an informed candidate. They prefer those who have done their research about the school, and are not only applying based on rankings alone. Scour the college website, connect with students and alumni, take a summer course, talk to faculty members and researchers, and stay updated on the college’s various activities through their newsletters. Your hard work will send positive vibes to the admissions council, and take you for a serious candidate.

Final Words:

International schools are looking for right fit candidates who, through their background and experiences, will add value to classroom dynamics, enrich the campus environment and strengthen the college brand. If you possess these qualities, go ahead and make the school