"Find a Job! Find a Job! Find a Job!" it's like a student's life comes to an end once he passes college. Parents leave no mercy on their children and nor do the companies. Thus, its highly common for students to get dialogues such as, "You are useless, Your mom has spoilt you!, Learn to take some responsibilities, etc." No one understands how difficult it is to get a job in the present market conditions.
In this article, I am going to brief young candidates who have freshly passed out of college and are looking to get a good job. This article is going to be a step by step guide for fresher's on how to secure a long-lasting as well as high paying job in cities like Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore or for that matter anywhere in India. Note: why do I use the term India is because this formula only applies to the Indian scenario and not the rest of the world.
So what should one do after college to land a Job?
Indian education system only pays high emphasis on theory and neglects the most crucial aspect that is practice. We educate ourselves so that we can put what we have learned to test in day-to-day activities. Thus, its crucial for one to start practising. We have many merit holders in the market for jobs but believe me these people are just good on paper.
Know What Companies Want:
Companies have simple requirements. They do not want candidates who are rocket scientists; they only want candidates who can handle the task manager allot them. Companies are on the look-out for candidates who add value to their organisation and not just candidates who have high merits. When companies target projects, they first plan resource allocation. The hiring follows after a project is accepted. Thus, if you are great with your practical knowledge, they want you. And companies are willing to pay.
How is Salary Determined?:
It's simple, just place yourself in the shoes of your employer. You will only be hired by a company when you bring in 5 times higher than what you charge your company. For example: If you demand a salary of 20,000/- Rupees a month the company would expect a turnover of Rupees 1,00,000/- a month from you this is when you are an expense that is justifiable for the hiring company. Why do companies demand so much? It's because companies have high overheads. Overhead's concerning rent, salaries, interest, assets and most of all taxes. Thus, you have to prove to your employer that you are worth the salary you expect.
How do I get my dream Salary:
It sounds simple, but this is the tricky bit. Today fresher students are the only candidates in the market that have a high grading process. Why is this? It's because; the quality of students in the market is deteriorating. Companies want candidates who can handle their tasks, thus fresher's are highly graded for performance quality while experienced are not. So what do experienced candidates have in them that fresher's do not? The answer to that question is "PROJECTS!". To secure a good job, you need to showcase your coding talent, and the best way to do that is by letting your work speak for yourself.