Learn about PHP advanced level
PHP is a most powerful Web programming language. It is a most useful for web development. It is an HTML embedded, server-side scripting language designed for web development.
PHP is a most powerful Web programming language. It is a most useful for web development. It is an HTML embedded, server-side scripting language designed for web development. If any developer wants to build a nice dynamic website so he should be using PHP. Because PHP is an open source programming Language for all. By this PHP Tutorials, you can learn how to make a dynamic website using PHP.
The PHP full meaning is Hypertext Preprocessor (earlier called, Personal Home Page)
If you want to build a dynamic website so first learn PHP. If you follow our full PHP tutorials with video tutorials we hope you can learn PHP completely.
Basic Structure of PHP
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>PHP Tutorials</title>
echo "Hello World! This is First PHP Programming.";
Hello World! This is First PHP Programming.
PHP Data Types
PHP variables do not need to be declared before the assignment, it is declared at the time of assignment by the leading of dollar sign ($). PHP variables can store different types of data, there is no need to declared data types before or at the time of assignment.
There are eight data types in PHP
- Strings
- Integers
- Float or Doubles
- Booleans
- Null
- Array
- Objects
- Resources
PHP Variable
In the middle of PHP programs, we can store temporary data through PHP variables. There is no need to declared a variable before assigning the value. PHP variable starts from the $ sign.
Example: <?php $abc = 10; ?>
PHP Functions
PHP function is a set of instructions which perform some specific task just like another programming languages.
PHP function does not run when the page load.
PHP function receive one or more parameters and return some value i.e variable, array, object etc.
In PHP there are thousands pre-built functions like strpos(), fopen(), fread() etc.
PHP functions are divided into two parts
function definition
function call
PHP If else if conditions
You can decide that which part of code want to execute and which part don't by using if and else...if...else statement. You can use this conditional statement for your decision.
if statement (Execute the part of code when the condition will be true)
if else statement (Execute if condition part of code when the condition will be true otherwise else part of the code will be executed)
if..elseif..else statement (Execute some part of code for more than two conditions)
Syntax and Example for if statement
// This part of code will be executed if condition will be true
Learn more about PHP visit www.saftutorials.com