The Director everybody loves
Yes, you read that right.Not a lot of students develop a liking towards their directors or deans during their college days but the story of Dr Gopalakrishna Prabhu is different
We all have that one professor or teacher who makes our life miserable during college or school. Be it punishments, homework or assignments, all professors have their own principles and ways to cope with students. The story of this Director is different.
Dr Gk Prabhu, recently appointed, runs the show at MIT (Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University) as the Director. Having completed his masters from MIT Manipal and his PHD from IIT Madras , he knows all the ways of a student's life.
Meet the new modern and tech savvy Director of MIT who is loved by all his students and faculty. From whatsapp groups with his faculty to Facebook and Twitter updates, he has it covered. The reason the students love him is simple, he leads by example and all books or articles you would read about leaders boils down to one simple logic-‘Lead by example’. All the academia leaders follow the same old path and expect new results. But, the truth is simple, if you want to achieve something you have never achieved before you should do something that you have never done before. The times are changing and so are the coming generations.
Not a lot of academic leaders have explored the ways of social media to connect with their students. They would rather put up notices on old, dusty notice boards. But, the times are changing and it is smart to embrace the new methods to connect. As a result of this new methodology, many students are liking the new Director. Even renounced artists and comedians like Nucleya and Sourabh Pant were shocked when they witnessed the amount of love the students of MIT had for their Director.
With his new policies and structure he is often regarded as the "Modi" of MIT. He has supported several start-up Ideas and always keeps the crowd informed about the achievements of students as this motivates the students to achieve more.
Many people often think that Directors are supposed to be like dictators who often make the lives of students hell. But, Prabhu sir is different, he is involved with the students on a different level. He shared his views on results and about how one can overcome failure in a video he shared.
The video is a testimony, explaining the fact that at the end of the day we all are humans and all of us make mistakes and it’s important to learn from mistakes.