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CaringElders Technology Private Limited

Home Health Care Services

Friday June 24, 2016 , 2 min Read

Caring Elders Technology Private Ltd (CET) is a Health Care IT Products company focused on offering Software Product solutions for Home Health Agencies. CET has a product targeted on evolving Indian Home Care Agencies market. This product is aimed at Indian Home Health Agencies started by providers like Physicians, Therapists and other healthcare practitioners.

The system is built as a Software as a Service Product. Anyone interested in using the product can sign up for the product on the fly and start using the product. The customers can pay per use and scale the usage based on their demands.

The product is developed a team of US based Health Care IT professionals incorporating best practices that are used in Home health agencies. It would an easy to use intuitive product, which can be accessed from different client devices.

The product features all the business functions and work flow of a typical home health agencies, such as admission, CET's mission is to be the most preferred Home Health Care Software Vendor in India. Our promise to our customers is that they can concentrate fully on their care providing duty by relying on our IT solutions / products and services.

This product would continue to evolve based on market feedback and changing industry scenarios.