Cam and clicks to create smiles
Bangalore based duo portraying emotions digitally
Hi I am Ankit and let me accept the fact that yes it was back in 2005 with Sony Ericsson K750i from where it all started. That time it was a hit camera phone which did give 2MP camera intact in it. I was doing my engineering in Bangalore in MSRIT. I somehow started having 100s of abstract and portraits saved in my memory card. And I realized that I share a bond with the clicks.

I met Preksha in the year 2014 in Pune through a marriage prospect and by that time I was a proud owner of 2 of the Nikons with other kit lenses. Preksha was working in Pune and also doing few endorsements for lifestyle products. It was her who advised me to take few more serious steps towards my passion and give it a complete changed outlook as a pro. And from there it became “Ankit Preksha Photography”. That time we had our family models available. We have a cousin sister “Palak” who became our full time proof of concept. We did a lot of indoor and outdoor shoots with her to understand and grasp the technicality of light, camera, timings, attires, poses and editing.

We paced up this new venture in the best of the possible momentum. We both believed in the fact that money shall never be the deciding attribute and from there after we started creating numerous of memory portraits for our so called beloved customers. We slowly started with a shoot or two in a month and soon raced to 10 shoots a week. We researched on the themes, poses, got all necessary equipment and kept putting our mind and soul into this.
Down the line where I excelled myself with the new gadgets and cameras and triggers and timers, Preksha made sure that she leaves no gaps when it comes to editing, directions and styling. Cruising down the line we served close to 550 clients till now with lots and lots of happy faces and smiles. Right starting from a prenatal shoot to the wedding captures or maternity shoots or baby shoot, we captured all the life span of the human race and tried to give the best texture to the pictures.
We truly believe that nothing is more divine than creating smiles on the faces of the people and we have been doing it through our lenses and flashes. Till now we have close to 30000 followers on Facebook and we thank all the lovely people who support us in each and every manner. We hope that we continue with this feel and soul and create more and more smiles ahead.