Analyze Your Competitors Website in 2020 With These Google Hacks for Free
These google operators will help you analyze your competitor's website & improve your rankings
Ranking top on google search engine result page (SERP) on a desired keyword is dream of every individual blogger & SEOs. Building authority of a domain especially when you're beginning from scratch is too difficult. You need to take care of quality content, authoritative backlinks & regular updation on social media. All this work can be handle easily at one place using different SEO tool semrush.
Here in this article I'll tell you free google hacks that you can use from 2020 to analyse your competitor's website & grow your business.
Check Your Competitor's Frequency of Content Updation
How frequently you should publish new content or update previous content can vary according to niche you're working on. It's a very important factor in order to make trust in Google's eye.
Google search operators are the specific search patterns that you can use to know the frequency of content updation of a website. You can use following search operator for this.
This query will bring all time results available on this particular domain (here for example, your competitor is domainname). After this step, filter google results by using "tools" option available just below the search box. through "tools" option, you can see results of pages updated in that website in particular time.
Following time frequency google gives to filter results:
- Any time
- Past hour
- Past 24 hours
- Past week
- Past month
- Past year
By accessing SERP in different times, you can get an approx. idea of how many articles your competitor is publishing in one day, one week, one month & so on.
Thus you can make your content marketing strategy as per your competitor's frequency of publishing article.
Find Your More Competitor
When i was new in domain website i knew a very few names of my competitors names, but hopefully i knew a few names. By these few names of my competitor i got more and more names by using this google search operator.
This google hack you can use to know more names in your industry or simply more names of your competitor.
related:domainname.com (here domainname is one of your competitor).
This search query will bring all the website related to domainname.com, that is basically your competitor's websites.
Find Free backlinks Opportunity
The most interesting things you can do with google search operator is to search around free links opportunity by finding guest post websites.
This search operator is basically the combination of 2 operators.
First part is "domain keyword" Second part will crawl guest post opportunity. Here, following query you can place in google search box.
intext:yourkeyword inurl:write-for-us
This google operator will bring all results of web pages in which guest post opportunity for backlink is available & related to your keyword.
In this way you can use google search operators to analyse your niche competition.