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Common Misunderstandings Of The User Experience

Common Misunderstandings Of The User Experience

Tuesday September 03, 2019 , 5 min Read

The user experience has become a term quite used by top app development companies in the field of web design and mobile application development. The user experience is used to measure the possibility of success of a website or application. If it is determined that the user experience is good, that website has an opportunity to be better known (if a good marketing strategy is used). In fact, every website should go through a test (or several) to determine if the user experience on that website is good.

In this article, we mention some of the most common misunderstandings regarding the user experience and explain the reason why they were misunderstood.

Users expect a website with many animations

While it is true that the interactivity of your site is important, having animations and others is not a substitute for good content or a poor structure. It's not that users don't notice the details, in fact, they appreciate them a lot, but it's not the top priority. What users are looking for is a site that delivers the information they are looking for quickly and easily. That is why navigation is a priority when designing a website. More important is to structure the website correctly so that each piece of information is in the appropriate section.

What users expect is simplicity, that the site is simple to operate and that it can be easily navigated. Speed is also important, users are searching for certain information and want it as immediately as possible. These two are characteristics of a website that has a future and could be successful.

If because of the animations that you have added to your site, you start to notice that it does not load in a suitable time or if you decide to add a video but do not give the option that users can skip the introduction, then you will create problems for your user and it is likely that your website’s rebound rate becomes high as well.

All your users react and expect the same

Despite knowing the target audience, since you have created the website based on it, you still have to recognize that not all people come for the same reason. Some recently know the website and will want to read a little more about the history of the company and the objectives of the brand, others who are already familiar with the brand may wish to place an order or leave a suggestion, others may go directly to the blog section because they appreciate the information you offer there.

While the basis of a good website is that it has a good structure to create a simple navigation, you must recognize that users have different habits when entering a website. Some will stay in the home section of your page if there is any slider or call-to-action button that catches their attention, others looking for specific information will go to the appropriate section or use the search bar.

So, while it is true that there are certain interaction patterns that users are already accustomed to, it is important to consider all possible reasons why a person can visit your website and how to facilitate certain actions for them. This is why you should meet with experts such as top app development companies to help you handle your app and web projects.

Users are only interested in the homepage

The home page is important and in many cases serves to determine if the user decides to stay or leave. The homepage is like a test, so to speak, as it allows the user to verify the loading time, as well as the simplicity of the interface. However, it is not the only page on your site that is important and deserves your attention. It is obvious that you want your homepage to be impressive, but you should not neglect the other pages that are part of your website.

In most cases, users will arrive at your website through a specific link that will not take them to your homepage. It all depends on the SEO you apply on the page and the truth is that many people reach certain sites based on research, either because they are mentioned in blogs, social networks or because you do a Google search.

In summary, the homepage is important. But since different users will go to different sections of your site, you must ensure that the information on all of them is accurate and that users can navigate without problems.

Users will only be willing to make 3 clicks before leaving

It is true that users only spend a few seconds searching for something on your website. If they do not find it, they proceed to search other sites where they can find the information they want in a matter of seconds. However, this time is not measured based on clicks. Take as an example a web procedure, it is true that no process should be so long, but there are certain procedures that must be performed in more than 3 steps. The important thing is that it is equally simple and do not make the user provide information that is not really necessary. If the process is simple and users have an idea of the number of steps needed to complete a task, then they will go ahead with the process. Remember to meet with experts such as top app development companies to help you handle your app and web projects.