Explainer Video - boost your conversion rate by 80%.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a product video could very well be worth a thousand sales.
Just adding a video on your landing pages can boost the conversion by 80% 1. - Win attention
2. - Build authority
3. - Reduce bounce rate
4.- Tell your story
5. - Provide information for users
6. - Give them something to share about you on their pages and profile.
you must know people are lazy and prefer to watch vs. read.
Even research says, people stays on a text only website hardly for six seconds or even less, means no conversion. but a video helps a visitor to stay longer which will lead to high conversion
At manobal studios, we help you with all sorts of videos whether be
Selfie video - Which describes a person and the organisation in a very short duration may be in just 23 mins
Motion graphic video - Most eyecatching and funfilled way of pitching a product or a purpose.
3d animations video - Little expensive but most effective way of advertising and Product demonstrations.
Whiteboard animation video - Quite engaging and most popular way of presentation
Explainer Video - Used for introducing a project, company, website or product
Live action video - A must to be done need for a factory/plant/organisation,machinery and customer feedback.
Training videosthe - Most effective way of training all kinds of staff or students.