"Blogger" One the of most energetic Profession
I was scared to write a blog in English but now I can consider myself as a Blogger.
Hi, I am Dp Vishwakarma a Digital Marketing consultant and expert from New-Delhi, India. I am a Digital Marketer by profession and an Engineer by education. I write, speak and consult on digital marketing.
I graduated from college in 2016. After my engineering, I started learning about digital marketing industry, and totally enter into it. now I am happy with my decision.
Long Story......
Not everyone can plan their future and drive their lives as they want to. We plan something but life has something else for us.
I have born in a middle-class family. My father is part of a government department (Uttar Pradesh Rajaswa Lekhpal) and my mom is a homemaker. We are four siblings and the whole family lived in one room set. I belong to RASRA and it is a town of BALLIA district. Probably, anyone heard about my town.
Well, I would like to share about my career journey. My schooling had done from Arya Samaj school It was Sanskrit school. I am a good sketch artist and I like painting and face sketching and it has gifted by my father. The plan was decided I will go for fine art but not done. I had chosen mathematics in 10+2. I want to go for engineering but it was a joke, I didn’t know IITs or NITs. I had heard about polytechnics (Diploma) and I was crazy about it. I had participated in many entrance exams but I didn’t select in any government polytechnics colleges. after that, one of a friend told me about IITs. He asked me to join coaching class. but again It was a joke. we didn’t know any good or best coaching in India. one of my relatives suggested some coaching Institute of ALLAHABAD (UTTAR PRADESH) city Because this city is less expensive than other cities. So I chose that one.
First time of my life
I was living in an unknown place without any kind of supports. No good mess was there and I was not able to eat outsite food. some friends of coaching suggested me to make food by yourself because most of the student did it. It was tough for me. I had never made food but It was my Restraints. I started cooking and I had learned within two months. I had Matted in these things and I forgot why I was there. And I had vanished my whole year. IITs and NITs were far from thinking. While I was just qualified in the state Engineering entrance exam. But I had decided, I would go to engineering college. So again I was going for coaching but had changed. The second year I was living in KOTA city. I heard about KOTA in ALLAHABAD. All of the students always talking about it. Really, KOTA is the best place to learn the base of the subject. The city has motivated environment. Every student is highly motivated. Actually, I got the real face of subjects. The whole year I was study lots and made my base of subjects. But I was not made for IITs and NITs. I got rank with heavy weight. Then After, I choose a private engineering college (Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, GHAZIABAD). It is the top college of UTTAR PRADESH.
Engineering was my life turning point. First time of life, I used to the hostel for the living. It was a great experience for me. I got three best friends for whole life. The whole engineering was given to me lot of memories of love, emotion, drama, fight, fun and blah blah blah. But another side I want to do something extra. So I had decided to join Network Marketing(Business to consumer) industry. It is totally field work job. And I had started working with my best friend. Seriously, It was a great experience for me. I used to market online products. I had made a group of 60 people and I was a leader of my group. Now I have to say I have two-year working experience. And rest of the time, I had participated in college events. I got first prize 4 times at department level.
After Engineering, I had four marketing jobs (Sales engineer, Product presenter, Business development executive) but I didn’t prefer. I didn’t describe what I want. I had a lot of confusion on my mind. That confusion was generated because my friends call me multitasking boy. I am good at painting and sketching. And I am also good at cooking. I have a business-oriented mind. I am an Electrical & Electronic Engineer. I had learned to code (programming and scripting language), but I didn’t want to go technical field. I want to go a creative and innovate fields which are related to marketing.
I got into the field of Digital Marketing by accident. It was not planned. But now I am happy with my decision. After engineering, I joined a Digital Marketing Institute (Digital Vidya). And l learned a lot about Digital marketing. My friends call me multitasking boy. But I think, I am a good observer and always in the mood of learning new things.
Now Day, I am doing freelancing projects and writing blogs about Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing. I am happy to choose Blogging because it gives more excitement, more energy, and self-motivation.
I strongly believe in the line- Insaan ya to jeetta hai ya shikhta hai!
Thank you!