11 Best Web Development Blogs You Should Be Reading Right Now
Building a high-quality and effective website is not an easy task. There are several things to learn and discover each time when you work upon web development. The more you dig deeper, the more complexities and new techniques you’ll discover. Probably, this might be the reason that the developers are coming up with new ideas or tricks for a website development process that have helped them overcome all the complicated issues of web development. These developers love to share their knowledge, expertise, tricks or strategies that they’ve deployed on various platforms that they are associated with. Moreover, the web design and development companies that provide custom website development services to their clients are more exposed to a diverse range of web development complexities as they have to understand the business requirements of the clients and develop websites or web applications according to their needs. Hence, in the journey of web site development, the discover innumerable solutions, strategies, tricks, or tips that might help the other developers or designers in their projects. So, they share their solutions and guides through various mediums including publishing blogs or articles on their websites, guest posting, or even upload tutorials about their work process. Hence, the content sources like blogs, forums or article submission sites are booming with a lot of web development related content. Though the main intention of these sources is to benefit the learners or working professionals, it is nearly impossible to take a note of all the blogs or articles.
Hence, here are the top 11 website development blogs that you just can’t afford to miss in 2019-2020.
1. Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine is a comprehensive online learning platform that focuses on the trending web design and development topics such as HTML & CSS, UX &UI, Typography, and other aspects of custom website development. The site also offers printed and e-books, PDFs, and even ePUB for Amazon Kindle.
With a Smashing membership, you can attend events, SmashingConf or find job that matches tour qualification and accelerate your career.
2. SitePoint
SitePoint is a massive repository of over 350 books or courses that are published by the world’s top-notch tech publishers. These tech books cover topics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, Angular, Bootstrap framework, Node.js, JavaScript, Blockchain and Ethereum, Advanced CSS, and so on. With premium membership, it provides unlimited access to the curated library of tech books to web designers, developers, programmers or web professionals who help the website development agencies to provide custom website development services to the clients.
3. WebdesignerDepot
This is another great platform that offers a plethora of topics that help you learn about web design and development, mobile application development, digital marketing, freelancing, user experience and more. It also comes with a lot of freebies such as free fonts, icon packs, mock-ups, web templates, and more.
4. A List Apart
A List Apart empowers the designers and developers with top-class resources of custom website development. Here, you can discover web standards and best tips and practices related to coding, content development, graphic design, user interface, accessibility, information architecture, user research, state of the Web and the list goes on.
5. Codrops
Here, at Codrop, you’ll find the latest articles related to custom website development. The site allows the learners to get access to trending web design and development updates, tutorials, articles, plugins and CSS references.
6. Speckyboy
Speckyboy offers its readers with useful tips, tutorials, design and development trends and techniques, content related to Lego designs and more.
7. Tutorialzine
Like other web development blogs, Tutorialzine also offers articles based on programming languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. It also offers a free e-book named jQuery Trickshots - 100 Advanced Techniques and an subscription invitation for a weekly newsletter, Dev Awesome, that provides trending programming news, libraries and useful tips.
8. CSS-Tricks
At CSS-Tricks you will find various articles related to web designing that cover topics of Responsive Design, JavaScript, jQuery, Wordpress, Sass, etc. It also has separate sections for educational elements such as videos, CSS Almanac, code snippets, guides and newsletters. CSS-Tricks also has a job board where jobseekers can find their dream job without any hassle.
9. Tuts+ Code and Tuts+ Web Design
Tuts+ Code provides thousands of extensive learning guides for developers to learn about web and mobile application development. The useful How-to articles, courses, eBooks and guides on the site help you enhance your coding skills and boost your career in the IT industry. The topics that it covers include - web design, design & illustration, interface design, UX, front-end development, accessibility, photo & video, coding, 3D & motion graphics, business, music & audio, game development and computer skills.
10. CSS Author
CSS Author is a perfect learning website for learners who are low on budget. Yes, this what’s amazing about this site. It offers a lot of freebies including templates, icons, wallpapers, coding stuff, resources, tutorials and tools.
11. Creative Bloq
Creative Bloq is a boon for web designers and developers when it comes to finding inspirations for their websites. It provides a wide range of inspirational designs and articles related to 3D modeling, animation, digital art, HTML & CSS, branding, graphic design, illustration, fonts, JavaScript, RWD, UX and more.
Whether you’re a newbie or a web professional working in a website development company, you are likely to get stuck somewhere or the other when accomplishing a successful project. These website design and development blogs can only give you an idea, however, when it comes to your business website or an eCommerce store, you must ensure taking the advice of a professional website development company that offers full-fledged custom website development services and eCommerce development services for your business requirements.