Integration of brick-and-mortar with ecommerce
Retail Kiosk Start up options...
Consumer market and US Military is embracing usage of Drones in supply chain. Walmart, Alibaba, Amazon has started the usage in its delivery. Recent Entry is DHL for its dristribution.The commercial market is going to reach 4 billion by 2020
The usage is extended for retail in identifying retail logictics, Camera based inventory management and getting extended post to recent regulation notification by Govt.
One of the recent pick up is integration of Ecommerce and store kiosk with Brick-and -mortar. This trend is seeing a tremendous pick up in sales and reduction in wait queue which makes a huge impact on pos sales.
Multiple ways of solutions includes setting up of store Kiosk, Bar code scanning, Drones is a recent addition for logistics and touch and feel experience which consumers feels comfortable before payment.
Solution providers are integrating with drone vendors as packaged implentations. Last year 953M was raw sales and packaged solution are tipped to have a demand of over 10B USD by 2020.
Fasten our seat belts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!