Digital Classroom – A Roadway to new Interactive Education System
Interactive learning has showed a new path to our Indian education system. It has efficaciously dealt with various hurdles in the personal and professional life of teachers and students providing them a complete new methodology of study.
More than half of the students, who are supposed to be the light of a brighter India, are still unskilled and not-enlightened due to the prevalence of traditional teaching and less interactivity with students. “School” and “Colleges” which are often referred to as the temple of education, creativity, innovation and ideas are largely ill-equipped to serve or nurture our nation’s future because of traditional education system.
However, Interactive learning has showed a new path to our Indian education system. It has efficaciously dealt with various hurdles in the personal and professional life of teachers and students providing them a complete new methodology of study. E-learning and the use of smart solutions, interactive boards in the education field has manifested to be effectual in accommodating the teaching and learning experience. It has been observed that the traditional lecturing with limited resources gives no opportunity to students for feedback. In general, it has a serious impact on their attention level.
School, colleges and institutes moulds a child’s personal self and establishes a strong personality, which helps him/her to combat the ruthlessness of the competitive warfront. The earlier one-way teaching system has left these organization unarmed for tackling student’s non-interest in books. They prefer visuals over books. Students forget what the books taught but they will never forget what the teacher said.
Although, the students who are interactively educated from digital classroom solutions and to an extent “enlightened” are familiar with this profound deficit within the Indian education System, but little has been done to replenish the loss and restore people’s faith in education.
Brio Touch - a one stop shop for fulfilling all your digital classroom solution requirements, understands the importance of all that matters. School is a path for inception of great ideas. Schooling forms our conceptual base, not only for theoretical knowledge, in fact it provides us with a sense of growth which is psychologically rewarding. Although it may sound simple, it is hard to actually foster an atmosphere in which students feel free to question authority because they fear reprisal or embarrassment. Interactive learning is designed to promote interaction. Interactive Games – emphasizing subjects, role-plays, and skits are a great way to strengthen what students have learned. Interactive learning promotes teamwork and gives the students the opportunity to work on decision-making and resolve questions sensibly.
The most culturally diverse country in the world- India is traumatized by various economy woes arising from the lack of interactive education. Education being the most powerful weapon does not breed ignorance, which in turn is harmful for society. It makes a person optimistic, prosperous, wealthy and vigorous turning their goals into real and incepts ideas that replenish incomparable talent. Also, it tends to bring greatness in one which is itself praising.
Penned down are few lines for why Digital Solutions are important:
Basic Knowledge
E-learning gives the very much needed basic information about different subjects like Science, Mathematics, etc. to a child. It helps a child to solve complex problems in future and give him a booster to take life in a directed path. It incepts the basic ideas in a child that make him more intellectual and knowledgeable. Smart Boards has showed a great advantage to empower basic knowledge in minds of children.
Engaged with the teachers
While most of the physics and mathematics classes put students on sleep, interactive learning has shown a brighter and active side to students. They get engaged with the teachers while studying and transform students to participate with the teacher with more active learning styles – engaged with one another to find answers.
Personality development
Just the bookish knowledge is not enough. Interactive learning also helps for overall development of a child’s personality. The ways a child speaks, interact, and uses his skill are all important aspects of personality that he gains from a school. Smart Board helps to develop all round personality of a child.
Analytical and critical thinking
In addition, engaging students who were earlier raised in a one way communication environment, interactive learning sharpens analytical thinking skills, which are fundamental to the development of critical reasoning. Also, smart learning teaches students how to participate and work successfully in teams. Interactive learning encourages healthy debate between students and the teacher. E-learning has developed true thinking skills through open and honest exchange ideas between students and teachers.