Fosters of Fall
'Fosters of Fall' strives to discover this link between our life and its source.
Let us review a book which is written by ace writer Anshul Kapoor who is student of nature and beauty.
He has recently written a book named " Fosters of Fall" which encapsulates the idea that human being has immense ability and it is most probably one of the most advanced and capable machinery we know of.
His book "Fosters of Fall" strives to discover this link between our life and its source.
Let us read more interesting facts about the book, which is written by Anshul Kapoor
The book is set up in a distant future where the last of humans are searching for a secondary planet on survive on. Through this life-or-death adventure, the book presents a philosophical argument that throws light upon the nature of our existence and its relationship with everything around us. The argument flows through a series of inquisitive dialogues, firmly based in science and logic, questioning various aspects of how we conduct our lives. As the argument progresses, it depicts and explains the principles of sustainability that all life is a subject to. The story keeps switching between philosophy and fiction, blurring the lines between reality and imagination.
What is the uniqueness about your book and how it is encouraging people to travel more and more?
This book allows us to witness our own actions and life from a distant, impersonal perspective. Therefore alleviating individuals from subjective biases towards oneself or one's own kind. On one end, this work is deeply rooted in what our world is and where it is headed, while presents an absolutely 'external' perspective on the other. Touching upon various aspects of humankind and its evolution, this book presents life in a manner like none other. (the second part of the question is irrelevant.)
What incepted to write book and how you gathered ideas for it?
The rapidly deteriorating condition of our ecology and the inefficacy of our attempts to repair it motivated me to write this. This is primarily because most of us never really challenge things to the point of true understanding. We prefer the inertia of our comfort zone instead of facing reality. I believe a broader understanding of life and sustainability is essential for holistic development. The ideas are very much based in what our world is and how it functions. They are based in the trajectory of human development and the actions that have led to it.
Tell us about yourself, your previous jobs/ventures?
An engineer by profession, i have many faces when it comes to passion. In addition to my employment with Coca-Cola and then Beiersdorf after graduation from IIT Delhi, I briefly worked on establishing a content development platform and on partnering with food technology institutes to develop a low cost meal bar for the homeless. Blogging has been an intermittent venting mechanism for me, to put out my thoughts and perspectives on various aspects of life. I like to travel, mostly to quiet secluded places (which makes Himalayas my place to be), untouched by human intervention. A frequent reader of philosophy, neuroscience, spirituality and evolution, I see these topics merging under a single umbrella. I feel deeply for the preservation of Earth's natural form and most of my works are directed towards it.
Being an author what challenges you face?
Firstly, there was the impediment that most of the publishing industry runs on 'high selling' mass markets, which makes any eccentric work a risky investment. Just as it is for art films in film industry. My blog https://www.anshulkapoor.in/post/is-capitalism-impeding-the-conscious-development-of-civilization talks about this in more detail. Secondly, to bring out a philosophy while taking care of expected counter arguments can be a tedious task. And to channelize these arguments into a flowing dialogue can be even more challenging.
What was idea behind the cover of the book and how it is related to the book?
The cover represents the core of the book in its naked, unstructured form. It simultaneously depicts the relationship between humankind and the world that it belongs to, its present state and the irony of it. With its intriguing mirroring across the front and back, it is designed to present an insight into the book - which can be truly understood only after the book is read.
Are you also planning for further books after the launch of "Foster of Fall"?
Yes. Fosters of Fall is only a fraction of a broader initiative towards ecological awareness and sustainable activity. The future work is already cluttered up in the shelves of the mind, seeking refinement and medium of expression. Hopefully, the collective impact of my works will bring about a positive change.