Digital Marketing
Google duplex is an AI system for accomplishing a real-world task over the phone. It turns up a big part of things getting done like making a phone call, you may want an oil change schedule, maybe call a plumber in the middle of the week or even schedule an important appointment. Google Duplex made easy to get in touch with these moments from your phone very easily, it connects users to business in a good way. Businesses actually rela a lot in this. In US 60% of small business do not have an online booking system setup. So, AI can sort out this problem.
So, for example, ask Google to make a haircut appointment on Tuesday morning anytime between 10 & 12. What happens that Google Assistance makes the call sim less in the background for you. So what you gonna hear is the Google Assistance actually calling a real saloon to schedule an appointment for you.
The amazing thing is that the assistance can actually understand the consequences of conversation. So these are known as Google Duplex and all the investments over years in natural language learning, deep learning, text-to-speech.
The assistance can also give you a confirmation notification saying your appointment is been taken care of. Another example like you want to call a restaurant but maybe it’s a small restaurant which is not available to book online then the call actually goes a bit differently than expected. It will make a real call once again and it will complete its task by doing a successful appointment.
So AI is like the future of digital marketing or is reshaping the marketing. So the biggest problem of a marketer was defining their target audience and finding them, finding their location means if I am doing marketing of something, then I will find, let’s say the person I am targeting is of 18 years and is a boy who studies in a college so I used to think how can I find that person or I can find him in college or somewhere else.
But in today’s era AI(Artifical Intelligence) technology came. So by coming of Ai, all these research for our target audience was performed by a computer. It suggests us that we should do this or that. Ai just asks us that what do we want to target and if you are using Google Adwords, it suggests us that what type of audience we can target or should we increase the bidding or not and also tells us the keyword we should target. So how does this happen? Its all the magic of Artificial Intelligence which is helping all the marketers easily.

Not only Ai proved to be helpful for marketers but also for companies because later you need to hire employees for this work, long meetings were held for this discussion, long meetings means it was time-consuming, time-consuming means loss of money. So here it saved our money, time and fewer employees, less team, one employee is enough for the ad campaigns and can give the desired results.
In today’s scenario, the best company is Facebook in terms of Ai from my view and also facebook thinks futuristic. They also have started the work on Ai(machine learning language) but after some time it seems that machines were communicating with each other in a specific language. When they explored it they were blown away from it so they closed it. So it is possible that in future machine learning will come back with high power and security that human will not able to control it.
Now let’s read what is Artificial Intelligence? Now, Ai is basically a computer who predicts future based on past results, it means let’s say there is a road and we know everyone uses this road and their speed is slow now computer predicts that their average speed is 60 but here they are moving at a speed of 5 on that road.
So Ai predicted that at that particular road traffic density is high, you have used google maps, right?it shows us red and green light right?is there any satellite sitting at the top predicting it?no right, they are predicting using Ai, so basically what Ai is using based on the past results they are predicting the future by analysing the data properly this is all about Ai.
Now how we are able to use a machine? because a mind is limited, my mind is sharp, there his person whose mind is even sharper than mine and there’s this person who is dumb. Now how will I find that this person is on this level here we created with a standard setting we know that to calculate this computer will take this much of time here he is not an employee who he will go to eat and he won’t fell ill(because it’s a computer) right computer will do everything on its own from here the evolution of Ai started.
Now what marketers need to do, they always need to be in the game at the top, they don’t want to lose their customer, they don’t want their competitor to win either so Ai helps us as a marketer that we can be beyond our competitor. The more money we spend on Ai more the results.
Now there is something called Programmatic Advertising we head about it a lot and its an old thing if you are a digital marketer you must have heard this term somewhere. So programmatic advertising means you can use Ai before making your ads campaign you can target a specific person who lives in Kolkata and who likes a specific thing.
For example in Google AdWords there is a function where is able to find in market(in the market means this person is searching for this thing in the market)in real life a person is searching for something in Chandi Chowk if you know Chandi Chowk market in Kolkata you will find creepy guys who want to just sell you anything. Now how do those creepy guys knows what do you want to buy?by your face because you are walking on the road, now Google is able to predict this all based on your searching behaviour google predicted that this will happen in here you can do placements you can show my blogging site as an ad on a channel or website.

Programmatic Advertising
You can target specific websites along with the age group, along with the gender, like extreme level targeting, so it’s all because of Ai, this process works on youtube like when you are watching a video many suggestion videos you see in the down(on mobile) or side(on desktop)they are all related to each other right?remember you open youtube to see one video but you end up watching countless why? because it was predicted by Ai that you may like these videos also. There is no person sitting over there who is recommending you these videos right? their computer is analysing your whole behaviour that the person likes this type of videos all these loops are created by Ai.
Same thing is Netflix,it also worked on this Ai that they are able to judge the behaviour of the person their likes dislikes that if you like this thing, you may like this too.
Today writing Ai system has come writing means your news channel is on like BBC they don’t need to write full pages news that this and that they have a fill in the blanks and all the data. Ai on its own writes the whole data. So chances are if you read an online international newspaper you may have read Ai written word. Chat boxes are coming means you are chatting with someone and you write Hi and Ai replies with How can I help you and then Ai gives you some options then how can I help this and that and Ai is doing on its own so this is also a part of Ai.
When you visit my website I have tracking your behaviour where you can click and were you are spending most of the time, then what will i know from this that here my UI/UX is nice and where time is spent less, their UI/UX is not good. On this basis of this analysis I can optimise my website and there many tools who will suggest you, do this or that change the movement of the button that change the colour of the button that write important tet here this is all possible because of Ai.