How does India move on fighting plagiarism.
Important tools and software to help you write an important and powerful content, which will attract readers to read your article. Which can be used by students ,teachers and Organizations simultaneously.
Continuous measures are being taken to prevent plagiarism in colleges and universities in India and concrete steps are being taken. It has been learned from many studies that work is being done on the process of referencing it very effectively.
Article Writing is a very challenging task. It is a really challenging task to review literature, collect its information, present evidence and add ideas and values with available research.
All these things make your article writing stronger and more real.
Plagiarism is also the biggest immoral act of an academic career. And it is a very serious crime for your academic career. This can be strongly influenced by someone's credibility, reputation and authority. As a result, there may be rejection and failure of your article writing on it further.
Plagiarism is a work of deliberately publishing the content or work of someone, and pass it on as a work of his own. And all the reasons are given special attention to which the content is considered plagiarized, to increase the level of education and knowledge.
And special attention is being given on these things, so that the plagiarized content can be considered.
* Publish content: If a book or magazine is similar to the internet site or copied-paste it.
* If a content has been posted and that too without giving its proper credential to its head writer
* If quotes have been used without any citation.
Further emphasis is being laid on all other subjects including these. In which students have to include their thoughts and assumptions of article writing.
Students have the essence of content writing in which they have a lot of material to write, but there should not be content of someone else.
Today, students will also have to understand that whatever they read and watch on online sites on the Internet, thereby increasing the risk of copy-writing and plagiarism.
Now the student can fully rely on plagiarism checker software. The students who are getting help in providing 100% plagiarism-free content by open source software for detecting an attempt to bypass plagiarism checkers.
Here are some suggestions that will help prevent plagiarism and help in a quality article writing and also help in achieving a good grade.
1. Quote Referencing: is one of the process of provide proper links reference to the content. If the content copy-pasted without summarizing, then it should be quoted in inverted commas and proper name of the creator ought to be noticeably refered to, this will spare you from plagiarism. Crediting fairly a author for his work won’t be considered plagiarized content.
2. To avoid plagiarism: students can read a specific subject to study interest and thinking, and write them in their own words. Cannot copy just 2 or more words together, which will capture plagiarism software and you can get negative points.
3. Use of Plagiarism Checker: This is a free turnitin alternatives software that is used to evaluate the percentage of plagiarized content. Even so, all the institutions use it to analyze the work of the students. Students can also check their work properly, which will be right for them.
This tool is also very useful for teachers and students as well as for businesses. According to some research, most mistakes are made even when the teachers assess the acceptable or unacceptable of plagiarism in papers. Confirmation and solution only by plagiarism checker software is only by computer.
4. Write in Your Own Words: When you are on the progress of any professional work, then your employers also want to test your creativity, instead of taking help from you to fulfill your task or the Internet help.
Article writing acts as an education and practice and marks your grade as well. This is to teach the students that they should collect data from different sources and try to write it in their own style, which will stabilize their article writing and will also protect them from problems like dependence on others and plagiarism.