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7 ways to increase Lead generation for your products and services

7 ways to increase Lead generation for your products and services

Monday June 15, 2020 , 4 min Read


As the world has progressed, and the free economy has opened up, there’s been a clear added pointer in the list of requirements a product manufacturer or service provider needs to do - the marketing. Marketing itself has changed ways so many times that it is hard to really have a crack on it. The population, the crowd, everything around us have deemed it impossible to survive on cold calls and e-mails. This is the age of leads, and qualified leads at that. You need to only pitch to companies or individuals who actually need your service, and then target them. 

So, now we know, how do we do that? Lead generation comes via various means - social media, website, advertisements, etc. We can bring to you these 7 ways to improve your leads, thus creating the first steps in the final customer acquisition. These are:

1) Blogging

Every time someone says that blogging is dead, some other person has already made countless sales out of the same. Blogging is not dead, and with quality content platforms like Pepper Content, one can see how important blogging is to the scenario of lead generation. Why blogging works? Simply because blogs get hits only by interested customers. Therefore, anyone who signs up via the blog is already a qualified audience. 

2) Social Media 

Social Media, despite being flooded, remains a top place to market your products and services, and earn back some of the loyal customers. Social Media is where the branding happens, and the current trend is the engagement. Engagement makes people talk about your brand. For positive engagement, you need quality content that people can relate to, followed by excellent social media management team. What a good social media team does is that it represents your brand out there. It can’t be anything less than perfect.

3) Press Releases and Features

Another form of content that helps stay in the news with regards to the products and services, while also being formal and non-advertising involves press releases and features. Press Release work in a specific format, and hence you can’t expect to get results if you stray from that. A professional content agency can help you understand the format, and draft the press release for you. 

4) Website

Whatever was being predicted about the websites was absolutely wrong. Websites continue to be the fulcrum around which all the marketing is involved. Apart from lending a genuineness to the company, it helps in defining the product in details, all at one place. The company can also list their products and services together. It also becomes the center of all the lead flow, and helps in testing various landing pages directed towards the website.

5) SEO 

Search Engine Optimization is a constant process. We must be thankful that keyword stuffing is out. Google has penalized the websites with keyword stuffing. Now, it is about organic content that is meant to be helpful and read easily. Your website content is your primary source of SEO, and so are your blogs, your social media, and your marketing efforts in channels like Quora and LinkedIn. There has to be a concentrated effort on channeling the SEO efforts, and a good content agency may help achieve the goal much easily. 

6) Advertising

The cheapest way of getting leads for your products or services, presently, happens to be Facebook Ads. It is cheap beyond imagination, and it happens to be effective. There’s also the good old Google Ads, which continues to be the solution for getting qualified leads to the people. The best part about Google Ads is that only the ones who are interested in a product search for it, and get to see your ads. Also, it is highly localized. For services, especially, this feature is beyond ordinary.

7) Follow-ups and Re-introductions

Follow-ups are the efforts you do to try to earn a client by following up over the qualified lead. It is one of the most important steps because the client or customer is already interested in your service, but due to some reason, didn’t go through. You can offer discount code while trying to woo the customer back. Another useful method is re-introduction. You must be having database of past clients or prospective clients. Re-introducing to them whenever major changes have taken place, or some new product is out, can help in getting some customers and clients.

Leads are the most important part of marketing today. It works like a funnel. You keep several methods of getting qualified leads, or you add a step to qualify the leads if all aren’t qualified. Thereafter, you simply keep filtering them, and trying to convert them into clients or customers. A content agency can help you in the same, and also helping you define your strategy.