Top 10 Professional Digital Marketing Experts in India
In today’s article, we will discuss the top players in the field of Digital Marketing as it stands today.
With every company out there trying to go and grab a firm digital presence, digital marketing can no longer be ignored. The truth is, everyone now knows, that the internet is a great place to find clients, and make potential sales! We are going to talk about the people who have already become icons in their fields and others who are to watch out for in the near future!
Trends are ever changing in this industry, and these people have made it to this list, because of their dynamism, and ability to adapt. Their relevance knows no bounds today and they are the ultimate movers and shakers in Digital Marketing!
So without further delays, here’s our Top ten List!
#1. Neil Patel
He is the Co-founder of Crazy Egg and KISSMetrics and is a bestselling author. This is a personality to reckon with in the field of Digital marketing! Forbes has already listed Nil Patel as a top Marketer and Nil continues to influence the world of Digital Marketing, and dominate at the same time!
He has numerous accolades in his credit like being recognized as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs under 30 by former US President- Barack Obama .
#2. Akib Ahmed
This is a leading influencer in the field of Digital Marketing. Ahmed has a spotless reputation and continues to work in this field with active efficiency! He is currently the Business Head of Business Alphabets Corporation where he serves as a valuable asset in several capacities. A true leader in Digital Marketing, Akib is one of the people to watch out for in this industry for the Future!
#3. Sorav Jain
Sorav Jain is one of the most important person in Digital Marketing in this country! Sourav started out, working as an SEO executive and content writer just at the age of 17. He is now an author and one of the leading names in his field. S. Jain currently serving as the CEO of EchoVME a Digital marketing firm and he also works as a consultant for many firms of high repute!
#4. Rukaiya Khatun
The lady mentioned here is also a major player in the field of Digital Marketing. She is not only a leader, but also a flexible and an efficient worker for her company. She is an important name in her field and her reputation continues to grow every day!
#5. Prasant Naidu
He is the creator of the company, Lighthouse Insights. Prasant’s job before opening his own firm was that of a business analyst. He worked in Singapore, UK and in India in that capacity. He believes that a high standard of content is key to success! This man has been relevant in this industry for years and is one of the biggest names in this field right now.
Ananthanarayanan is the CEO and the founder of Techdrive Creative Services and remains as arguably one of the best Digital Marketers in India. He is also a reputed speaker and corporate trainer featuring frequently in national and international panels and his level of clout is unmatched by most in this industry! He has also been awarded a number of times as a recognition of his efforts
#7. Mridul Kabra
He is the founder and the CEO of the company Quadrigo. Mr. Kabra also serves as the head faculty of digital marketing and is an admired teacher, with years of experience and accolades. He is indeed one of the key people to watch out for in the field of Digital Marketing.
#8. Himanshu Arora
He is a computer science engineer with an MBA in marketing. This man has years of experience in online marketing and is the co-founder of SocialPangaa leading social media company based out of Bangalore. He is a noted man of excellence in Digital Marketing, and is one of the biggest icons in this industry right now.
He is the VP of Marketing Communications, in Robosoft. He has over 25 years of experience in Marketing and manages to get the perfect blend of traditional and newer digital methods of marketing in a beautiful way! One of the greatest we have in Digital marketing, he is an exemplary figure in this industry!
#10. Jitendra Vaswani
J. Vaswani is the founder of his own company Schema Ninja and the blog BloggersIdeas.com. Vaswani had been recognized as one of the top bloggers in this country by 2014. He is a powerful influence on his successors in this field with 5 plus years of work experience which has earned him a glorious reputation. Jitendra truly is one of the top people to watch out for in this industry when we think about the future!
This has been our list of the ten most influential leaders in Digital Marketing world in today’s date in India! These are people who have seen it all done a lot and are icons for future generations. Path-breakers like these leaders are truly the ones you look up to for inspiration!
We hope this has been useful for your purposes and you are a little further ahead than when you started reading this article. The most important thing is, we are happy to be at your service and will always be happy to assist in any way we can!
Source: https://www.businessalphabets.com/blog/top-10-digital-marketers-in-india
Courtesy: BAC- Think Creative