Top 5 Innovative Technologies of the 21st Century
The present generation is heavily dependent on technology and smart devices. Keeping the same spirit on let’s talk about the five most significant technological innovations of the 21st century.
Human Lifestyle has always been under constant change. This change is mainly driven by technology and the correlation of people with these changing technologies. So to upgrade these technologies lots of hard work and determination has been put into to produce series of innovations. It takes clear vision and belief to turn the ideas into reality. This generation has witnessed many marvels which were the result of the continuous endeavors of the researcher’s and engineers. Few such innovations are the self-driving cars, hoverboards smartphones etc.
The present generation is heavily dependent on technology and smart devices. Keeping the same spirit on let’s talk about the five most significant technological innovations of the 21st century.
The innovation of Self-Driving Cars
The most talked about innovation off late is the self-driving cars. This is, in fact, the major development taken place in the field of transportation and the engineers in this field alleged that this technology will be a real breakthrough in the field of infrastructure and will change the face of the public transportation network. Scholars have expressed that discussions regarding this kind of innovation should be taken a level up which will be more than vehicles. They further expressed that the innovators should team up with the automakers revamp the current scenario of the streets and this technology should be inconsistent with the environmental, social and economic goals.
3-D Printing
This technology has touched almost all fields of life. It has found its application in all the major industries including the Healthcare sector. There had been personalized services and custom-made treatment is given by the care service providers such as during organ transplants, prosthetic limbs, and custom hearing aids. This 3-D printing displays the ability of disruptive technology in the current manufacturing and distribution channels.
Internet sensation- Social media
An innovation that brought the entire world on a singular platform is the social media. It is one innovation that has a single largest influence on people coming from all walks of life. However, with the growing tentacles of the cyber world; there is also a threat of cyber security which is looming large on its users. There have been reports of posting inappropriate contents and playing with the user’s personal information. These kinds of activities need serious check and require to bolster the cybersecurity.
Fiber Optics
This technology has brought a huge transformation in the infrastructure of devices such as televisions, telephones Internet etc. Any user of such devices who has known the importance of fiber optics never forgets to mention about this innovation. Bluetooth technology has been significantly beneficial for applications such as medical imaging and mechanical engineering inspections, they are also used for extremely long distances data transfer using optically pure glasses.