Why do you need an eCommerce Mobile App for your store in 2020?
The eCommerce mobile apps connect users to the brand by providing them everything at their fingertips. These eCommerce apps provide a personalized experience to our users which can enhance the sales of your store.
Selling products online has become a need for every online eCommerce businessrather than just a requirement. When it comes to selling products online, eCommerce websites will be sufficient enough. But, do you really think that the same website is capable to survive today’s cut-throat competition?That's where mobile shopping apps are coming into the picture.
The ease to access and seamless shopping experience are the major reasons behind the majority choosing mobile app development. So, in order to gain fruitful growth in conversions & sales, one must look forward to the launch of mobile apps. The technological advancements are rising every day without looking back. There are around 5 billion users who already shifted to mobile devices. So, it will bea huge user base to target just by adapting a mobile-first strategy for an eCommerce business.
Things To Keep In Mind While Developing A Mobile App:
1. Choose Right Platform:
Android & iOS are the two platforms holding the largest number of mobile users worldwide. Now, it depends on the store owner which platform do they choose in order to make the most. The best option is to launch apps for both Android & iOS & reach a wider audience.
2. Mix With Great Features:
A mobile app is nothing without featured benefits. So, we should not forget to include the latest features on app helping users to easily shop from the store. Add some really useful features on the app matched with ongoing technology trends to enhance the shopping experience of users.
3. Simple UI & UX:
Interface plays a vital role in the success or failure of a mobile app. If the app users fins the app cluttered, it’s survival going to be very hard. So, before going for app development, one should keep a check on the app behaviour & performancefrom user’s perspective.
4. Competitor Knowledge:
About to launch apps on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store? Before that, you must be aware of what your competitors are offering. This gives you an idea
about your strong points and where you need to put more effort.
5. Target Your Audience:
Target your audience wisely and then only launch app. This will help in providing relatable content to your users & much likely will impact their purchase decision. One must also keep a track of worthy updates for your app time to time for better results.
Top Benefits of Having an eCommerce Mobile App:
1. Brand Recognition:
The number of apps on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store are increasing each passing day. This gives a clear indication that people are spending more time on mobile apps & business owners are trying to make the most of it. Branding through mobile apps can simply put you in a limelight.
2. Fruitful Conversions:
Selling products on the mobile app brings more conversion to your store as compared to the websites. The ease and comfort offered by mobile app is unmatchable & which straight leads to boosted sales & revenue for business.
3. Strong Customer Support:
Build a strong relationship with customers so that they can rely on your store for shopping and refer to others as well. Well, mobile apps offer much better support to users with inbuilt chat (Zopim & WhatsApp). The quick solution to every occurred query or complaint will loyalty points to your business.
4. Provide More Value to Customers:
Make your users feel special and important by providing them more value in the form of points and rewards. This encourage users for more purchase from app in hope of getting rewards for the money spent. This can make users loyal to your store and bring more transactions in result.
5. Improve Customer Engagement:
As per the recent studies, an average person spends more than 3 hours a day on their smartphone. This simply means there are heavy chances of improved user engagement.
6. Connect Users to Brand Directly:
With allowing users to find everything at their fingertips, mobile app connects users to your store directly. The users do not have to open a browser or enter the site URL, all they need to do is just tap on the installed app.
7. Instant Alerts to Users:
Sending instant alerts to the users in the form of push notifications will keep them updated with every latest deal & offer. Push notification has become a great marketing tool nowadays. Adding some catchy title with extra discounts simply leads the users to successful order creation.
Wrapping Up
The ease and comfort in shopping right from your home is one of the major reasons why everyone is choosing eCommerce mobile app over website. This is why mobile apps are giving new heights to the eCommerce industry. By taking your business to the mobile platform you can provide your users a personalized and flawless experience. So, match with the growing demands of users by offering themsome lavish features and functionalities.