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Evening Edition

Saturday April 05, 2008 , 1 min Read

  • State weakness report: Brookings Institute ranks India 67th out of 141 states in their new report that measures state weakness based on the criteria of economic, political, security and social welfare.
  • Technology: Google released today Voice Search in Hyderbad which enables users to find business, restaurants, etc. by speaking the query into their mobile. In a similar act of tailoring products to the Indian subcontinent, Yahoo! released local language maps with directions.
  • Telecom revisited: Building off of the momentum of the story in the Midday Newsfeed about the telecom spectrum, we are reporting here that the big three mobile GSM providers have been hit with a notice of enquiry for acting as a cartel and distorting prices.
  • Travel: Pakistan is considering dropping the visa requirement for Indian travelers.