TC-I is looking for Part-Time Writers
Tuesday April 29, 2008 , 2 min Read
Organizational Background
ThinkChange India is the fastest growing blog focused on social entrepreneurship and social innovation in India. Within its first ten weeks, the blog achieved 16,000 page-views, and is currently averaging 400 unique hits a day. Our goal is to be the primary source of information/analysis on social innovation and social entrepreneurship in the context of India. In addition, we also hope to build an online community of passionate change-makers invested in India’s development through the vehicle of social entrepreneurship.
We are currently looking for part-time writers for the blog. The writers will have an opportunity to cover breaking news in the field of social entrepreneurship, research and write posts for the blog, and have a say in which social entrepreneurs the blog features. Other key opportunities include:
- Networking with and interviewing leading social entrepreneurs for the TC-I Changemakers feature of the blog. TC-I Changemakers has already featured / will feature social entrepreneurs from leading organizations like Pratham, NGOPost,, Pratham Books and Global Fund for Children
- Familiarizing yourself with the latest trends in the field of social entrepreneurship
- Developing valuable journalistic writing skills
- Creating a name recognition for yourself in the field
- Being a part of an innovative start-up and a fun team
What are we looking for
- Passion for social change and interest in social entrepreneurship in India
- Keen interest in writing
- Previous blogging preferred but not necessary
- Be able to make a commitment towards posting at least 5-6 times a week
- Not taking life too seriously (we already highlighted the fun aspect, didn’t we?)
Apply now
- All we need is a ten page essay on social entrepreneurship in India
No, seriously, just send a resume and a small writing sample in the form of a sample blog post that would be appropriate for ThinkChange India, and we will let you know if we think you are a good match.
Email your applications to [email protected]