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HomeandYou: A Home and Kitchen Appliances Startup Aiming the Global Market

HomeandYou: A Home and Kitchen Appliances Startup Aiming the Global Market

Monday October 15, 2012 , 2 min Read

The Indian e-commerce scenario has observed some great twists and turns. Many companies have churned out huge revenues, many got funded, and many are still trying to understand the market. Yet, this has been the most lucrative business space for many. Another interesting player in this industry is HomeandYou. A kitchen and home appliances company, HomeandYou sells a variety of items and is now working towards providing international delivery of the same.

H&Y came into existence only a year ago. It was just for fun sake & we only came to know about this e-commerce business after entering into it. Our team consists of 25 dedicated people covering product selection, pricing, inventory maintenance, dispatches, and customer service for most,” says Someshwar Saran.

H&Y is led by Someshwar, who has more than 40 years of experience in home & kitchen products. The idea came from his international business. He was looking at new possibilities that would cater to pan-Indian requirements. This led to the development of H&Y. Someshwar is backed by Shobhit Agarwal, who has more than 15 years of experience. M. Athar is looking after the deals with different e-commerce partners & the whole network is under his control. Athar has several years of experience in customer management.

Products on offer:

Though they have still not started with international delivery, it is on cards & will be facilitated soon. Since international delivery would cost them more, they are coming up with a unique concept which will be revealed once it is in final stages. They’re currently using EBS payment gateway.

HomeandYou is currently bootstrapped to keep the power of driving the growth and maintaining the direction themselves. “We have niche marketing policy. We want to create our own space like in the train compartment, it is full when it arrives at a station but still takes all passengers on station & they make their own space before the train arrives at the next station for other passengers. It sounds funny but this really works,” adds Shobhit.

With time, they are planning to add more products to their current offerings.

Do check out HomeandYou!