Waroze - Bringing cashback and price aggregators together
After the ecommerce frenzy, another new trend has emerged to build various services over existing ecommerce platforms to refine the experience. It is not uncommon to see various startups coming forward in the field of online coupons, price aggregators and behavioral buying.
Recently, we talked about online coupon site Guppit, which lets you use coupons right from your browser. On a similar note, but a notch further, is this team of young folks from Ahmedabad who are building Waroze, a price aggregator cum cashback service for online portals.
Waroze is the result of combined effort of Manzur Sunasra, Hasan Sunasra and Imdad Sunsara. All of them are computer science engineers, and have experience of working for 2, 9, and 6 years respectively. Hasan and Manzur are involved in marketing Waroze and get the growth momentum, whereas Imdad looks after product development.

Manzur talks about how all three got together to start Waroze -
“I always had the itch of entrepreneurship, during my final year of engineering I launched a news portal called TechHunger, similarly my other co-founder colleague Imdad is also early entrepreneur. During his early days in his job, he developed a smart billing solution as a part-time project and sold it successfully to several hotels in Ahmedabad. But he could not take it forward, as he was not able to find the right partner. Having quit my job in early 2012, when I reached Ahmedabad from Bangalore, I met Imdad and we decided to pursue our endeavor together. Soon after we started, we met Hasan and roped him in as he brought important experience to our company.”
Waroze works in a pretty simple manner, users can select the product, compare prices and proceed to buy. Once the transaction is complete, retailers pay commission, which is then shared with users as cashback. Currently they have partnered with few ecommerce stores and looking forward to expand.

The best thing about Waroze is that apart from the finding out the lowest price, you get to view the amount of cashback offered on each product instantly without even signing up.
The six people strong team at Waroz is a great mix with youngest member just about eighteen years and the oldest member is thirty two who keeps the team sane. The startup is completely bootstrapped and is in the open beta.
We wish them a great journey ahead.
Click here to visit Waroze.

McDowell’s No. 1 Platinum salutes Manjur and his team who took the unbeaten path and also inspires more people to follow their dreams and join them in their unconventional journey.