[Techie Tuesdays] [Infographic] Interesting insights from our techies

It has been over an year and now Techie Tuesdays is officially the longest running column at YourStory. We have covered many amazing techies and came across a multitude of trends as well. Here are some key insights from all the techies we have featured in our column:
- Dropouts formed a significant part of our Techie Tuesdays, over 12% of the techies had dropped out of college.
- Over 75% of our Techie Tuesdays were working for startups.
- More than 37% have their own startup. Which means 1 in 2 people who are working for a startup chose to be an entrepreneur.
- Around 10% of the Techie Tuesdays prefer to freelance than working full time with an organization
- Around 9% of the contribute to open source on a regular basis.
- Participation of women in tech is still low, only 5% of the women we have profiled is a woman.
- 9% of the Techie Tuesdays we profiled are working in Design including UI/UX and interaction design.