Yoga and entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is a footprint left by a series of efforts done right. Quintessential entrepreneurs have a number of characteristics that contribute to their success. While some entrepreneurs possess the ‘touch of gold’, other entrepreneurs would do better by honing their skills.

A few techniques that the ancient art of yoga with a modern twist offered by Akshar Power Yoga Academy teaches us about the development of business acumen are:
Visualising the end objective and strengthening our intuition:
You need to be able to see your goal in your mind’s eye before it actually materialises; such a practice will help bring in the right events and circumstances for you to further your plans and to meet targets. This process helps you visualise not only your goal or destination but also your journey to get there. The technique is done by linking the image of our heart’s desire to generating a feeling of gratitude. It is also essential to ensure that this goal is quantitative in nature, that is, it can be measured in terms of time.

Initially, such exercises can be challenging due to the nature of our ever active thoughts that cause a sense of constant chattering in our heads. However, this can be overcome. Once a person taps into the power of the mind, he can leverage this power to achieve his business goals. Consciousness enhancing activities such as meditation and chanting help unveil what the mind is truly capable of attaining. Additionally, meditation helps strengthen our intuition by penetrating through the layers of 'all-that-we-know' via self- education or otherwise.
Mediation truly helps us use our logical 'brain' coupled with our intuitive ‘brain’ to project our version of the greater good, make better judgements and serve us in a method that comes naturally to us.
Evolved communication skills:
A good entrepreneur knows the importance of clear communication. A good listener gives rise to a good leader; articulate habits of talking avoid a waste of resources.
Great communication not only leads to strong alliances with those around us but also gives us the capacity to have immense control on our response to situations that may or may not be per our desires. To that end, it is essential to strengthen the fifth chakra since it helps in clear communication, motivation, and belief. Strengthening of this chakra leads to a better flow of expression.
To obtain this type of fluent thought process, an amalgamation of asanas and breath control techniques can be followed. Once a practitioner obtains command over his breath, he can overcome any situation with much ease. The correlation between breath and circumstance can be noticed at tense situations when our breath turns shallow; this type of breathing normally leads to unfruitful ramifications. The good news is that the condition can be controlled in an undemanding fashion by using the power of breath; deep inhalation and exhalation can ensure that the event takes a positive turn as we regain governance on our mental state of equilibrium. Therefore, practice and commitment towards these activities will consequently lead to an entrepreneur who not only possesses the tools required for him to properly clarify his vision to his team but also helps him acquire and generate new opportunities for business, furthering his road to a successful organisation.
Power of persistence:
The famous saying goes- “97 percent of people who quit too soon are employed by the three percent who never give up.” This illustrates the significance of the power of persistence. In the world of entrepreneurship, pushing our own limits can open doors of opportunity. However, we must first inculcate how to train the 'resilience' muscle.
Yoga asanas are extremely beneficial to acquire this faculty. When we practise an asana, we learn to hold challenging poses and overcome the wave of emotions that arise from them. Mental strength and self-discipline stem from such practices. Asanas that build this power include but are not limited to santulanasana, virabhadrasana, ardha chandrasana, chaturnaga dandasana, uthrasana and adho mukhi svanasana. In addition to being a part of a fitness regime, these asanas help increase the mental fortitude and build character and grit.
Furthermore, it also helps align all the chakras. The muladhara or base chakra connects to our basic earthly instincts and our career. This chakra can be strengthened by yoga asanas such as padmasana and full squat prayer poses. In addition to the yoga asanas, the sound ‘LAM’ is also associated with the root chakra. The strengthening of this chakra leads to a strong foundation of perfect alignment of the rest of the chakras.

Yoga is also a source to unwind. The phrase ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ is apt for such a situation. This holistic activity unleashes the creative potential within us and helps us stay focused on our goals.
The most powerful asanas for an entrepreneur to focus and to be determined towards his commitment would be pranaamasana and amasthiti.
1) Pranaamasana (Prayer pose):
How to get into the posture:
Step 1: Remain straight standing with your feet together.
Step 2: Gently bend your elbows, placing your palms together in front of your chest in a prayer position.
Step 3: Ensure not to make contact with your chest.
Step 4: Your eyes must be closed.
Position of your arms:
a) Your hands are together in front of your chest in a prayer position.
Breathing methodology:
a) Gentle inhalation and exhalation.
a) Helps achieve a state of calmness and concentration.
2) Tadasana (Samasthiti)
How to get into the posture:
Step 1: Stand upright with your feet together and arms by your side.
Step 2: Keep your arms straight and palms parallel to your thighs without making contact with your body.
Step 3: Tighten your knees such that the knee-caps are pulled up, now, contract your hips and fasten the muscles behind your thighs.
Step 4: Ensure that your spine, head and neck are in one line. Your entire body and your shoulders are to be relaxed.
Position of your arms:
a) Palms must be in line with your thighs without making contact with your body.
Breathing methodology:
a) Gentle inhalation and exhalation.
b) Be conscious of your breath.
a) This asana helps both mental and physical equilibrium.
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)