Secrets to leading your team to success
A good team is like a well-oiled machinery, which runs smoothly when every component is in sync. Since there is no ‘I’ in the word TEAM, every idea, right from ideation to the execution, requires each member’s active participation. Of course, too many cooks can spoil the broth especially when there are problems like miscommunication and internal conflict.

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When getting things done is of topmost priority, a business leader cannot afford to lose time behind internal team issues. If you are hoping to eliminate such complexities and steer the team towards success, read on to know the five important secrets to do the same.
Set the standard
Treat others how you want others to treat you; a pretty common phrase that most tend to neglect and overlook in our fast-paced professional world. Lead by example and let your behavior speak for itself. Be the beacon when it comes to professionalism, hard work, team effort, etc., once you become the forerunner your teammates will be naturally acclimatized to follow your lead.
Mistakes aren’t bad
To err is human and to be completely honest, we humans err pretty often. As a leader, demarcate between a one-time honest mistake and something that is recurring. This way, your team will not be scared to take calculated risk and take correctives measures if they fail. This fosters a climate of learning and adapting.
Reward when required
Appreciating a work well done not only sets an example for other teammates, but it also acts as positive reinforcement for the employee. Do not shy away from praising others’ works. A study shows that recognition for accomplishments have been linked to higher employee retention.
Give options
Delegating work can be difficult for some leaders – most end up micromanaging. Big mistake. Know your team’s worth and each employee’s strong points, so you can distribute work evenly and get the best out of your team. So, stop micromanaging, and let your employees put their best foot forward.
Feedbacks are very valuable both to the employee and the employer. It sends a message that every task is being analyzed and this in turn encourages team members to give it their best. If you want to eliminate the risks of internal team struggles, make sure you take the time to provide them with valuable feedback.
Working with a team of any size can be challenging, since people are so diverse and different, but taking these five steps into consideration will ease the grind and make work holistic for everyone.