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6 tough questions everyone needs to ask themselves for a better career

6 tough questions everyone needs to ask themselves for a better career

Thursday September 14, 2017 , 3 min Read

Do you feel like lately things aren't going according to you, and your life is mapping out differently from what you had planned? If yes, then maybe it's because you're not asking yourself the right questions. Some questions you avoid because you don't want to confront the harsh truth, others because you're not sure what the answers are.

However, as you probably know, the best things in life don't come easily, and if you run away from facing tough questions, you lead yourself on a path to mediocrity. Here's a list of six tough questions you should be asking yourself regularly:

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Am I being true to myself?

Does a voice in your head tell you that you are doing something wrong? If yes, you need to pay attention to it and rectify your behaviour. Whether it is staying at office late and not spending time with your family, or indulging in bad habits like smoking, you won't take a deeper look at your life till you don't ask yourself this question.

Where do I want to be in five years?

Don't just relate this question to your professional life; instead, take your personal life into consideration as well while answering this question. Once you have a destination in mind, you can plan your route. Five years is the perfect timeframe as it allows you the right amount of time to achieve your goals.

What would I do if I wasn't scared?

We are all fearful of one thing or another. Fear is the only thing that keeps us from sticking our hand in the washing machine. However, instead of keeping you safe, sometimes fear keeps you from living your dreams. Evaluate if your fear is justified and proceed accordingly.

What are my biggest obstacles?

Obstacles are the things that block your way and keep you from moving ahead. Ask yourself what your biggest problems are. Is finance a roadblock in your quest to study ahead? Are you not taking the job offer abroad because you fear living without family and friends? You'll only be able to overcome your obstacles if you can identify them.

What am I most grateful for?

Just as you face your fair share of obstacles, you need to count your blessings too. If you're not grateful for the little things in life, you'll grow bitter by the day. Every night, ask yourself what you're most grateful for. Whether it is having a healthy body or a family that always supports you, be thankful for small mercies.

If happiness were a currency, how rich would I be?

The main idea is to be happy. Whether you're living the life of a prince or a pauper, if you're content and satisfied, little else matters. Your bank balance isn't equivalent to your happiness quotient, so don't let money fool you.

Asking difficult questions can make you uncomfortable, but don't allow a little discomfort to keep you from learning more about yourself and growing as a person.

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