18 quotes that will give you a renewed sense of purpose and drive for 2018
As we enter the final hours of 2017 and the countdown to the new year gathers pace, much is still uncertain. What will 2018 hold in store for various sectors and economies? How will new trends like AI, blockchain, AR, and more impact the global startup ecosystems, and who will come out on top? Will the coming year bring economic stability or more turmoil? All these questions – and more – will be worrying many an entrepreneur in the days and weeks to come.
However, if history has shown us one thing, it is that maintaining a positive outlook and approaching new challenges with enthusiasm can make a huge difference between success and failure. There might be testing times ahead, but if you keep your head up, cover all your bases, and start the new year with renewed energy and vigour, you can be sure you’ve taken the first step for a winning strategy. Don’t take it from us – take it from all these entrepreneurs and leaders who understand the importance of starting afresh with passion and energy. Here are 18 quotes to get you fired up for 2018:

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Belief in yourself is the key to the entrepreneurship journey
You hold the keys to realising your dreams, so start with having a firm belief in your ideas. On this path, you will find detractors and naysayers by the dozen, but it is your dogged pursuit to realise your dream that will set you apart. In return, give wings to your dreams to soar, and soar high.
“The ones who can see the vision when no one else can, and work on it like there is no tomorrow, will succeed. The rest will follow.” – Ajay Naik, Co-founder & CEO, Letcetra Agritech
“Believe in your ability to make your dreams come true.” – Pamela Malhotra, Co-chairperson & Secretary, Sai Sanctuary Trust
“A continued faith that every problem is solvable is the key to making this world a better place.” – TN Hari, Strategic Advisor, Fundamentum

“If you have a purpose which is bigger than you, all your problems will become tiny.” – Keshav Sharma, Author, Rewire for Massive Success: A 90 Days Guide to Transform Your Mindset
Eye on the larger picture
Be it a lack of funding or market instability, there will be plenty of obstacles which might sway you away from the original path. It is all but natural. But cowing down or giving in for interim relief mustn’t be confused with course correction. Yes, pivoting is part of the deal, but check if it is in sync with the larger scheme of things. So, it’s pertinent that you establish periodical real-time goals, ones which work towards the main vision. This will help you stay on course and give your aspirations a reality check.
“Entrepreneurs are those who act upon an opportunity they see or foresee rather than just be knowledgeable about it.” – Vijaya Kumar Ivaturi, Author, The Manual for Indian Start-ups: Tools to Start and Scale-up Your New Venture

“Help people save money and they will come flocking to you.” – Amit Somani, Managing Partner, Prime Venture Partner
No time like now
Have an innovative solution to a perpetual problem – doesn’t matter how big or small. Now is the time to stop mulling and put your plans to effect. Taking immediate and well-thought-out steps to initiate your idea can be the difference between success and obscurity. But you need to start and start now. Even the smallest of ideas can drive the change for the next big breakthrough, so stop killing your idea with the fraught act of overthinking and begin your journey already.
“There is never a right time, you have to create the right time.” – Sheelika Ravishankar, Team Indus

“Disruptions can happen with the smallest of ideas.” – Reggie Bradford, Senior VP, Oracle Startup Cloud Accelerator Program
“As more and more people are given the chance to try their hand at entrepreneurship, the world will never be the same.” – Eric Ries, Author, The Startup Way: How Modern Companies Use Entrepreneurial Management to Transform Culture and Drive Long-Term Growth
A failure is an option. In fact, it is a gateway to your success
Failure is – and this is universally recognised by now – a part-and-parcel of the game. Any and every venture is bound to fail – there is just no way around it. So rather than fearing the act, why not take lessons from it?
“It doesn’t matter how many times you fail. It doesn’t matter how many times you almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you because all that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are.” – Mark Cuban, Entrepreneur & Businessman
“So don’t let anyone tell you that change is not possible. Don’t let them tell you that standing out and speaking up about injustice is too risky. What’s too risky is keeping quiet. What’s too risky is looking the other way.” – Barack Obama, former US President
“We’re born with success. It is only others who point out our failures, and what they attribute to us as a failure.” – Whoopi Goldberg, Actress
“As long as we don’t back away from a problem with the fear of losing, and fight back with the knowledge of what went wrong, we will definitely win.” – Ashok Kannan, Founder, Happy Hens
Leadership is the binding factor
The fulcrum of your organisation lies with the team that works day-in and day-out for you. So how you helm the ship defines how far you allow your aspirations to set sail. Being an entrepreneur is just the starting point, but being a leader is what will help you scale through the initial hassles and keep your employees in tow with the organisation’s vision and mission.
“At the heart of leadership lies persuasion. At the heart of persuasion lies storytelling.” – Esther Choy, Author, Let the Story Do the Work: The Art of Storytelling for Business Success
“Great leaders create great organisations, and great organisations create great ecosystems that create a great leader.” – Devdutt Pattanaik, Author
These are just a few words from entrepreneurs and leaders across the board to get you started. Keep your eyes on the prize, believe in your capabilities, and 2018 will definitely be a year of great success for you! Carpe diem!