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The top 5 trends that will accelerate growth of India’s Ayurveda sector

The COVID-19 pandemic has put the spotlight on immunity, prevention, and health. India’s fast-growing Ayurveda sector holds the potential to make the country a wellness hub.

The top 5 trends that will accelerate growth of India’s Ayurveda sector

Tuesday February 02, 2021 , 4 min Read

The world has witnessed a fundamental shift towards Ayurveda for health and wellness amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

In order to strengthen the ability to fight the deadly virus, if the need should arise, individuals are increasingly depending on prophylactic health remedies and methods to boost immunity.

Against this backdrop, alternative medicine, especially Ayurveda, has come into the limelight like never before. While Ayurveda has always been a popular healing system in India, we are now at the precipice of an explosive growth period for the sector. On that note, here’s looking at some of the trends that will define this fast-growing sector over the foreseeable future.

Regulatory frameworks for brands

The market is at present flooded with brands that claim to offer Ayurvedic formulations. Only a handful of these, however, carry products that are genuinely backed by Ayurveda. To weed out counterfeit brands, the industry must move towards more stringent regulations for brands.

Once this framework is in place, only genuine brands with the necessary certifications will be able to survive in the market. Research-based, safe products will thrive in such a setup and, in turn, allow customers to lead healthier lives with trustworthy products by their side.

Targeting a global market

To say that Ayurveda is popular in India would be an understatement. However, the ancient science of healing will reach its true potential only when the industry receives recognition and acceptance on a global scale.

People across the globe are looking towards Ayurveda to boost overall immunity and wellness, and this poses an unparalleled opportunity for India to be seen as a potential maker of Ayurveda products for the global market.

We will have to overcome challenges such as lack of skilled workers and limited spending on healthcare, but there is a very real possibility that India will be able to emerge as a health and wellness hub in the future.

Immunity is the new wealth

While there is no cure or preventative medication for the novel coronavirus in allopathy right now, the Ministry of Ayush has specifically recommended Ayurveda as an extensive knowledge base for the prevention of the deadly disease.

As immunity becomes the most important part of overall wellness and disease prevention approach, the demand for Ayurvedic products such as Chyawanprash and Ayush Kwath and ingredients like giloy, ashwagandha, tulsi, cumin, coriander, garlic, and turmeric will surely skyrocket.

Increased spending on R&D

The coming years will also witness an increase in R&D by authentic Ayurveda wellness brands committed to offering holistic health and healing to their customers. More brands will set up in-house R&D arms to innovate more products that add value to their customers’ lives.

With this, we can look forward to new and improved blends of Ayurvedic ingredients that give better results and improved overall wellness. The consumer interest in Ayurveda is already rising rapidly, and further innovation and a wider range of solutions will only add to this curiosity and demand.

Marketing to millennials and Gen Z

Ayurveda wellness brands are now marketing to new-age customers who have a profound level of awareness regarding their lifestyles, health, and wellness. These groups are also highly active in their lives and careers, which means Ayurveda brands will need to go the extra mile to create products that can be consumed on the go and blend well with this generation’s daily hustle.

Brands are likely to introduce functional Ayurveda, which will be appreciated and adopted quickly by modern consumers.

As COVID-19 spurs the need and demand for alternate medicine, the potential of Ayurveda will continue to be uncovered. Coupled with the increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases and highly aware consumers, we can predict an accelerated growth trajectory for authentic Ayurveda wellness brands over the years to come.

Edited by Teja Lele

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)