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The Season got Merrier with Antier’s Christmas Celebrations in the Metaverse

Antier’s metaverse Christmas celebrations engaged hundreds of avatars into fun-filled activities such as Carol singing, dancing, decoration, competitive games and more.

The Season got Merrier with Antier’s Christmas Celebrations in the Metaverse

Friday December 23, 2022 , 3 min Read

This countdown to Christmas was special. After all, it enabled participants from all over the world to celebrate Christmas with each other, inside the metaverse and weave memorable memories. Loved ones from far and wide want to come together and be merry, sing Christmas carols, play games and so much more. But while many can achieve this, there are some who can’t. Distance and different schedules can make celebrating together difficult.

Keeping this in mind, leading blockchain development firm Antier bridged the gap and brought people closer with the first Christmas celebration in the metaverse. The party hosted everything from a Christmas checklist, and it was open to everyone across the world. Global users could join the festivities with a simple registration process.

Anfestier bridges the gap

Antier Solutions is the world's first firm to take the initiative of celebrating festivals in the virtual realm with Anfestier, which previously organized Diwali in the metaverse.

The metaverse is a collective virtual shared space that leverages augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain. Through it, users can experience real-life events and situations such as attending or hosting events, buying or selling goods and services, and more.

While the Diwali celebrations were limited to the Antier team, they pulled out all stops for Christmas. Hundreds of participants from all over the world, regardless of their background, marked their presence in the event.

The metaverse event attracted around 1200 participants, and each of these participants were provided with the liberty to choose their favorite 3D avatar and customize their dress, accessories, and hairstyle.

The user-controlled avatars mimicked all human actions such as dancing, clapping, interpersonal communication through voice chats, and expressions of different types.

The event played live music streaming and had traditional Christmas activities. The participants decorated the Christmas tree and engaged in various fun games. Alongside this, they sang Christmas carols inside the metaverse. However, the highlight was a special sleigh ride which the avatars enjoyed on snowy pathways.

Antier had also planned games such as a bowling competition, where winners will be announced and they will receive gifts. There will also be a jackpot, with gifts in store for winners.

Apart from the users, the event was attended by popular names in the blockchain space such as Ancrypto, Unstoppable Domains, SumSub and Changely.

Leading by example

This Christmas party is just another huge milestone in Antier’s journey. With over 500+ metaverse skilled developers and designers, the team has been expediting the metaverse development journey for its clients. Through their expertise, the team can help brands across industries like fashion, real estate, finance and more, build sophisticated 3D virtual spaces, metaverse apps and metaverse NFT marketplaces.

They have further made the space accessible to all with their unique Anfestier initiative. The MetaFestival is a huge way to connect with people across the globe. It lets people come together, share their joys and be merry together. And that’s just what Christmas ought to be like.