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Startup branding: 6 reasons it's your key to success

Branding is often seen as a marketing tactic but it is more than that. Here's why startups need to focus on branding.

Startup branding: 6 reasons it's your key to success

Tuesday November 07, 2023 , 4 min Read

In the competitive arena of startups, where innovation and speed are king, there's one silent game-changer that often gets overlooked: branding. It's the heartbeat of your startup's identity, the first impression you can't afford to ruin, and the story that will be told in boardrooms and living rooms alike.

But is a brand all about the hidden meaning behind a logo? No, startup branding is the method for a business to highlight who they are and what makes them different and/or better than others.

While this may seem like some overhyped internet drama, it is a clever technique to build awareness about your company throughout the world. So, let's see the 6 reasons why branding is important!

6 reasons why branding is important for startups

#Reason 1: Gain visibility and recognition

Having a brand that can be easily recognised is quite important. For example, the logo of the company is generally called its face. This is because this component is the one that's used everywhere and if marketed well, is often recognised by customers easily.

With solid startup branding, you can gain a loyal customer base and competitive advantage over other companies. One way to do this is to highlight your unique features and help people understand how you can fill market gaps through your product.

By doing so, customers will be able to identify your product apart from others due to its uniqueness.

#Reason 2: Build customer trust

Have you wondered why people buy branded items only? The logic is simple. Customers want to purchase things that are of high quality and will last long. This is why people tend to buy products that are sold by big brand names.

A good example of this is Amul. For the past 74 years, this milk brand has delivered high-quality products consistently, such that now it has pretty much monopolised the dairy products market in India. Taking a cue from the example, startups can gain the trust of their target audience and carve their niche.

customer retention

#Reason 3: Stay in the long run

Companies that have established brands are able to survive the market the longest. This is mainly because they are perceived as a reliable and recognised firm. Another added benefit is that startups can easily attain investment and funding that can help them grow.

But branding is not just about designing logos or choosing catchy taglines, it is more about maintaining consistency in everything.

Whether it is ad campaigns, social media channels, websites or promotional content, all of these have to be easy to remember. Here are a few tips that can help you out:

  • Build an emotional connection with your target audience
  • Boost brand awareness through all channels
  • Bring changes that also reflect your original brand values
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#Reason 4: Build a strong image

Today, customers do not just trust word of mouth, they check the reviews themselves. But then again, only good reviews cannot drive a startup to the top. This is where companies can leverage tactics such as influencer marketing.

Companies can collaborate with popular faces on social media to promote their brand and build a strong image. However, startups have to consistently deliver quality products and services to prevent competitors from taking over.

#Reason 5: Increase financial value

Solid brand value=financial value

When a famous company goes public, its shares are priced at much higher rates. It is the power of branding that ensures people of future business. As a result, attractive and bold branding makes it easier for startups to gather funds to expand or launch an initial public offering (IPO).

Hence, focusing on branding helps create a greater return and value.

#Reason 6: Attract new customers

Remember how ChatGPT got so viral that almost everyone was talking about it? This is the result of benefiting from smart branding. OpenAI created a buzz around their AI bot and it's capabilities that got everyone curious.

By doing so, it broke the record of being the fastest-growing application (later this record was broken by Threads). In short, branding can boost your startup very quickly and become widely known, thereby attracting new customers to your brand.

The takeaway

Branding is not just being aesthetically pleasing. It is more about communicating your goals and purpose through your content, design, image, etc. The key is to drive traction from your USP and the best features that rival companies are lacking.