Independence Day: What does freedom mean to me as an Indian woman?
Freedom of choice, expression, and belief, as enshrined by the Indian Constitution, is a reality in today’s India. But what does freedom mean to an Indian woman? Do women have to fight to make their voices heard? HerStory speaks to a cross-section of women to understand their concept of freedom.
As India celebrates its 75th Independence Day today, what does it augur for the country's women? With the pandemic throwing lives into disarray over the past one-and-a-half years, women’s lives have changed drastically – with increased responsibilities and added anxieties.
Safety remains one of the Indian women’s top priorities – a community social-media platform LocalCircles survey found that Indian women do not feel safe in public spaces. About 29 percent of Indian women have faced molestation or sexual advances in public places.

A 2019 YouGov Omnibus survey among 1,011 respondents in India in 2019 using YouGov’s panel of over eight million people worldwide pointed out that many women felt that economic conditions (39 percent), political situations (35 percent), and job scenario in the country (35 percent) did not see any improvement in 2019.
What do Indian women want? Freedom of expression, safety while out in public spaces, work the way they want, and the ability to speak up. This also translates into being proud of one’s choices and the freedom to dream big.
On Independence Day, HerStory speaks to women from different fields to understand what freedom means to them. Here’s what they have to say:
With freedom comes responsibility
Freedom, to me, is about being able to make my own decisions and execute them instead of the pressure of having to conform to somebody else's views. Freedom to me also dares to take risks, to fully trust myself, follow what I truly believe in, removing any boundaries and constraints in my mind. With freedom also comes immense responsibility to think and act sensibly. Freedom without responsibility would be akin to servitude and therefore be in total misalignment with the very essence of liberty.
- Srividya Kannan, Founder & Director, Avaali Solutions.
A life without any regrets
My role model is Michelle Obama, and every day, I resonate with what she said once, ”I hope my story urges you to see the power of your story and to own that.” I hope my story is the epitome of freedom, courage, boldness, leadership, being unapologetically yourself, and embracing your flaws flawlessly. I aspire to make my mark in the real estate and natural world through real entrepreneurship. On a personal front, freedom is to have the liberty to choose how I want to live my life. It’s only my prerogative what I desire and how I choose. Living a happy, fulfilled, and progressive life matters to me. I want to live with no regrets. While the importance of perceptions cannot be undermined, I choose to not live for “society”. I believe in myself and the choices I make as I’m focused on what I want and what I don’t. I would instead make wrong decisions myself than have someone else make the right one for me. It doesn’t hurt to ask my friend if the red dress looks better on me or the blue one!
-Sanya Aeren, MD & Country Head, Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Orenda

Make choices for yourself
Freedom for me is being yourself, making your own choices, and implementing them for bringing a change. Trying to get rid of that permission and allowing women just to do what they want and push for what they want - without being told they can - is probably the biggest thing that we need to change as a society. With freedom in our mind, we need to work together towards bringing the change and taking a stand for ourselves, overcome those noises of distress. The drive for that freedom, that balance that we often seek as women, emanates from our passion, from our dreams, but mainly from contributing enthusiastically towards building a better future. With time, things change, and women power through everything and create their own identity at par. My message to all women out there doubting themselves is that it’s time to make choices for yourself and not hesitate to change them, find inspiration and motivation in yourself, and let yourself drive towards a better tomorrow.
- Neha Kulwal, Country Manager, Admitad Affiliate India
Yes, I can
Freedom for me means freeing oneself, liberating oneself, and permitting oneself to have the freedom to dream. It means not having to look back at how we've lived our lives and realising we have lived under the chains and shackles of someone else's whims and desires. The ability to not have to wait for society, parents, partner, or your own child's approval or acceptance. Freedom enables us to accept and let go of imaginary boundaries that have often dictated the lives of women, in particular in this patriarchal society. We tend to assume most of the restrictions, as nothing comes easy in life. But being a woman means fighting that bit extra to achieve what we dream for. The first step is carrying the attitude that 'yes I can, and I shall' is half the battle won. Let's grab our freedom and break free of these boundaries. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
- Durga Chincholi, ex-Army captain & Founder, Snuggle Diaries
Power or right to act, express, think
Technically, freedom signifies the power or right to act, express, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, but it entails so much more here in India. I will feel free the day I hear less or no news on women rape cases, girl child abortion, harassment, dowry deaths, etc. The day when women feel genuinely liberated from inside will be the day of independence for me, in a true sense.
- Sakshi Garg, PR & Communications Consultant, Clarity Communications
Freedom to do what I want
Freedom, to me, is to be able to make my own choices and at the same time also be responsible for the outcomes of those decisions. Be it my personal life or professional life, the freedom to do what I want has always been significant. I think I’m fortunate to have a family who has been nothing but supportive. Making a choice looks very basic, but it is a luxury for many women in this country.
-Tanaya Sarma, Co-Founder, Speaking Herbs
A sense of responsibility
We are free only if we believe so. Tomorrow, if I stop believing in the factors that have arrested my freedom, I would feel free to do whatever I want. Logically, that's not always possible. But what I can do in the least is get rid of the intrinsic factors that have kept me away from my freedom.
I believe it's a privilege for me to have the freedom I have today - in aspects of speech, expression, settlement, association, occupation, etc. I have a sense of accountability that I have a purpose in life, and my freedom is a catalyst to fulfilling that purpose. Freedom also brings a sense of responsibility to me, that I get to choose what impact I have on the world I'm in. At the same time, I must contribute to the evolving meanings of freedom in correspondence to the changing beliefs of the nation.
- Ishita Singh, Microsoft
Living life in a flow
To me, the feeling of freedom is when you live life in flow. When you don't know what you want to do with your life, others will tell you what you should do, and you'll give up your independence. Find an answer to the question "what is the meaning of my life" to understand what freedom is. When you know your purpose and live it consciously every day, you will be free.
-Anjali, Publicist
Having a choice
To me, as a communicator, freedom means having a voice and, more importantly, using that voice with purpose. Whether it is supporting the voiceless or amplifying the reach of those who can help the underserved, I see my freedom as a privilege with a responsibility to share it. As a woman leader, I also believe that freedom, especially for women, is about having the right to choose in personal and professional arenas. COVID has thrown up gender disparities more starkly, and there’s a lot to be done to bridge that gap. None of us is free unless all of us are free to make our choices.
-Deepshikha Dharmaraj, CEO, Genesis BCW
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Edited by Teja Lele