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Jihad In My Saffron Garden.

The novel, Jihad In My Saffron Garden is a romantic thriller set against the backdrop of the origin of insurgency in Kashmir in 1989.The book is an interfaith love story with a feisty, strong yet level headed protagonist Roshina Kapoor. No matter how much you try , you can just not ignore her. Roshina is the owner of a Saffron Garden, which has been gifted to her by her best friend Heena Qazmi. Roshina and Aafaq  Qazmi are in a deeply committed relationship which is endorsed with the love and support of their respective families. Hindus and Muslims live in harmony in Kashmir. But as religious fundamentalists take over Kashmir, the valley which had once been the envy of even the Gods, becomes a bloody Battle field. As Hindus are persecuted , Roshina Kapoor runs away. She is forced to leave her lover and her best friend. She returns in 2015 . Where are Heena and Aafaq. Who is the nemesis from the past? Who is the father of Roshina's son, Zohaib? Read Jihad in my Saffron Garden . Identify yourself to Roshina Kapoor. Embrace love, religious acceptance. Let us bring back Kashmiriyat to Kashmir. Let us join hands and fight together. No more blood shed, no more violence, no more immigrants.

Jihad In My Saffron Garden.

Tuesday October 25, 2016 , 1 min Read



Jihad In my Saffron Garden by Roxy Arora is available in all leading book stores and on and flipkart.The book was launched in New Delhi on the first of October, 2016 by Anurag Kashyap.