Seven skills that can make you rich
Follow below listing skills because they are really gonna help you a lot and I truly practice them on my own grown up.
1. Calculations:
You have to master calculations if you want to master your money.
Let's say you want to make one crore rupees in a year well there's two hundred and fifty working days or forty thousand a day which is one crore rupees in a year or nine lakhs in a month. Now if I had known those calculations then I probably would have reached a million dollar mark a lot sooner the calculator can become your best friend, but you have to learn how to use it every single day whether you use it on your phone or you use it on your desk. Make sure you punch your numbers in so you realize where your money is and how many people you're reaching, how many hours you're working and so you understand the numbers that go into every single thing that you're currently doing.
2. Avoidance
Practice avoiding all the things that distract your wealth from negative people, places, environments anything that keeps you away from becoming a richer person.
There's an old saying that “If your right-hand causes you to sin, chop it off” and what that basically means is that if there's something out that's distracting you or keeping you away from your goals or your purpose it's time to take it away and to prohibit yourself and there are many examples of this let's say for instance that you always go on Instagram and there are one or two particular pages that always get you in trouble trying to block those pages and keep yourself away from looking at those pages or for instance.
Let's say you play video games try to prohibit yourself from playing video games by giving the actual game to someone that you can trust so that you can play only once a week instead of once a day. Well some people might say I can't avoid my negative family members, negative people I work with or even my environment but you can change your decisions, you can change your actions and you can change the way you program yourself when you're within that environment furnace.
When I first started out on my journey I couldn't change my whole environment but I could change the way I was talking to myself. So if people were gossiping or they're talking about death, violence, and foolishness I would say to myself I'm successful, I'm happy, I'm becoming richer every day, I'm moving to greater places, I'm surrounded by better people and I firmly believed it until I was able to manufacture that result. Make sure you understand the power of avoidance, avoid the negative people, the negative environments, the negative conversations and start to go into more positive interactions in your mind and in your environment.
3. Gratitude:
when you look at successful people you'll always hear them saying that they're thankful for their fans, they're thankful for their business, they're thankful for who they are and what they've become because their gifts and their talents and their skills and their abilities have helped them to leverage themselves and promote them to where they are.
Today show gratitude to the universe and the universe will show gratitude to you, in fact, this is a route that most spiritual people take. They understand that gratitude is blessing all the things that they have instead of accounting for the things that they don't have.
Most people are so busy condemning the things that they have in their environments and the people around them instead of understanding how human nature actually works and how their environment can actually help them and where the opportunities actually are. Once you begin to take inventory the things that you have what you don't want will eventually move out of your way.
Make a list of five things every morning or every night of that you're most thankful for it could be as small as having a full head of hair or as big as having a house, either way, be thankful for what you have and you'll start to see your results increase as time goes on.
4. Action:
Take action and ask yourself what is it that I can do that I'm not currently doing, what are some easy changes that I can make right now that I'm not making, something as simple as screwing in a light bulb or writing something down on paper or calling your mother your father.
It's so easy to do that you can do right now make a list of these items I always use post-it notes because it keeps me in touch with the things that I have to do to-do lists are very powerful if you learn how to use them if you learn how to write them down and check them off your list, it will give you the satisfaction you need to take more action and accumulated actions means to accumulate a success.
Sometimes our minds want to take the path of least resistance, this basically means that at the end of the day some of us don't really want to work, we don't really want to think about the things we have to do. Our mind just wants to rest but you have to always say to yourself do it now, get it done, make it happen and start to abide by that understanding start taking action at higher levels.
5. Questioning
When you ask questions you raise your self-awareness because now you're looking for solutions, now you're looking for answers and you're also looking for more questions which will provide more answers to your life.
Ask yourself what do I go to the school or what do I go to this job or why do I have my family situated in this way when you begin to present yourself with more questions more opportunities will arise and you will get solutions. when you ask the right questions average people answer their questions but successful people question their answer they question why they've concluded on what they've concluded on and they search for more answers but they also search for more questions so they can figure out what those answers actually are. I asked myself questions every single day one of my favorite questions is what exactly did I learn today and what changes could I make today so that tomorrow can be a better day. Ask yourself questions all the time and it will unlock the powers of your mind.
6. Discovering Money
Discover your money could be a little bit challenging because if you've never faced your financial situation facing it now all at once is actually very overwhelming, but there's little things you can do every single day like checking your bank balance or looking at your statements by printing them out from your bank and trying to figure out how exactly do you spend your money and what your priorities actually are when you do spend there are also other things you could do like checking how much money you have in your coins are and turning it into cash or upgrading your wallet or your purse.
Either way, try to discover your money in all facets of your life and try to understand exactly the vital role that money plays in your life. There's a popular musician that once said: “I make money moves and the fact my friends is that you need to make money moves if you want to get in a better financial disposition and if you want to grow in the financial world.”
7. Mentorship
There are three ways of finding a mentor you can either work with one work for one or you can hire one as a coach or mentor that you can work alongside with help.
You reach your highest goals but either way, mentorship is a shortcut to success and if you surround yourself with people who know how to get wealthy eventually you will learn how to become wealthy as well. The real question is are you taking advice from wealthy people no offense but if you want to become a millionaire but you're listening to your uncle that only makes ten lakh a year and it's far away from becoming a millionaire then you're never gonna get there but if you listen to wealthy people and you absorb her advice eventually you can begin to become that kind of person that can make that millionaire status for yourself.
Now the truth is that if you hang around eight-figure people the worst you'll ever be is a seven-figure person but you've got to surround yourself with these people ask yourself were they hanging out what do they do, what do they like, how are they and what can I learn from them so I can become the kind of person that I know.
Thank You!!!