An unbreakable smile confined in an unbreakable spirit
A journey from impossible to possible
My name is Sai Kaustuv Dasgupta. I do Graphic Designing and beside that I am Singer and a Motivational Speaker too. I am 80% differently abled person. From my childhood, I am suffering from a disease called Osteogenesis Imperfecta from my childhood. This is a rare disease which is also known as ‘Brittle Bone Disease’. 50+ fractures already happened in my body in different parts. I could not walk because all the joints of my body are fully fixed. I have a Electric Wheelchair through which I move around. LIFE is very precious for me. It is something worth to cherish. Giving value to our life is a practice and giving importance to all the aspects of life is equally importance. The main ambition of my life is to simply making people happy through my work. In other sense I would like to bring back the purity of heart and genuine happiness which people lost in today’s course of life. They forgot how to smile selflessly. So I want to do such works which will help people to regain their true nature and smile wholeheartedly.

Smile is the signature of purity.
Life taught me how to smile after confining into a room for 6 years! Could you believe how I used to feel when I could not see nature, sun, moon and all these beautiful creations? I was in depression naturally. But slowly started realising that time has come to seek within and find the joy within. So when I saw how my life has confined into a wheelchair, into four walls, I started developing a desire to change the situation fully. I made myself a Warrior who can defeat any problems and obstacles through the weapon of will power and self confidence. So I set a goal to inspire all abled and specially abled persons. In spite of so many negativities, I lead my life with the weapon of positivity. Physically I am fully dependent on my parents and morning to night everything they help me to do. I can't sit for long hours as I can't move an inch on my own. For all regular daily things I need to depend on my parents. The only thing I can do is Graphic Designing. My left hand and only one finger works properly. With that I do international designing. Do you ever imagine to try that out? I type with the help of on-screen keyboard and you believe or not, I have good speed in typing mails and other write ups. I wrote a full book like that.

Will power is the best weapon to fight against negativity.
All people ask me, how it is possible to smile after so much sufferings? I tell them, my biggest strength is my smile. I always love to smile in every situation as I believe smile is the signature line of purity. And through so many adverse situations of my life, I have learnt to smile as it helps me overcome the situations and gives me satisfaction of winning over it. My Smile also attract people towards me as they feel positive vive after meeting with me and return back with inspiration. So I just want to use my positive energy and smile as my strength to show the world that how extent we can reach to prove our capabilities.
Selfless love is the rarest thing to receive.
As I am a Motivational Speaker, I love to give talks around the world. The people who want to be happy and stress free, I inspire them to do so by reflecting the true incidents from my real life experiences. I help youths and students to find the purpose of this worth to cherish life. I already have great experiences by motivating people from different states of India and the Phd Students of various Institutes. Also I have been invited by various countries for Online sessions and already motivated people from Albany, Melbourne, Malaysia, New Jersey, New York, Singapore, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia, Manhattan etc. I would like to work on bringing awareness about accessibility in every parts of India. Through my desigining and inspiring talks, I would love to spread the awareness of accessibility and what actually it means. I wish to solve every problems that I am facing in my daily life. So that in future differently abled people will not face them. I want to make my life a message for all the people who are fighting to survive on their rights to live properly. Life gave me two options. First was confining into my comfortable zone for 6 years surrounded by all fecilities and worldly comforts. But today I am in front of you all sharing my eternal saga of inspiration and motivation.

Love and light, Worldwide.